What if Fran banks scholarships for 2011?


Would any of you be OK with this? It may happen. Not many more days left in recruiting period and not much left talent wise to recruit plus won't have a full staff yet and that may hurt with recruiting. Maybe coach is thinking about taking the lumps now and save scholarships for better talent in 2011. He did this his first year at Siena...he had only 7 players on the roster. If he doesn't offer, which I'm thinking could be more of a possibility, then next season could be worse (record wise) but I'd be OK with using all four scholarships on better talent - Marcus Paige, Chasson Randle, Cody Zeller are big time prospects for 2011. I'm getting a little nervous we may not see any late commitments but signing these three in 2011 would ease my mind.
We've been losing already and even if everyone stayed and/or came, we'd probably lose next year during the transition, so I wouldn't go driving off of a cliff if they were banked...I'd feel bad for Jarryd Cole though since they'd be sacrificing his senior season to do it.
Paige is in the class of 2012, but wouldn't mind if he banked one for that kid. I think he can bank them if he can't find some one worth using it on. Don't waste a schollie just to fill a spot. We'll be stuck with him for 4 years (aka J.R. Angle). I wouldn't mind getting a JC or 2, but don't waste them if you don't have to. And I'm not as sold as everyone else that Brust or Larson may still end up in Iowa City.
If this happens he better be able to come through on the 2011 class or hawkeye fans will be calling for his head. Risk/reward kind of thing. I think it is better than offering to kids that aren't going to make a difference. His current players would not be happy about this. Imagine this past season without Fuller or if someone gets hurt. It's a big risk.
Imagine this past season without Fuller or if someone gets hurt. It's a big risk.

Big risk? What do we have left to lose? As Clark Griswold once said, "Worse? How could it possibly get any worse? The plane is crashing into the G--D-- mountain!"

If Caff can't find guys who fit what he's trying to do, there's no reason to burn scholarships on lesser players that we'll be stuck with for four years. We're not going to be any good next year regardless; I'd rather win 6 games and build for the future than win 14 games with guys who don't provide a foundation for long-term success.
Big risk? What do we have left to lose? As Clark Griswold once said, "Worse? How could it possibly get any worse? The plane is crashing into the G--D-- mountain!"

If Caff can't find guys who fit what he's trying to do, there's no reason to burn scholarships on lesser players that we'll be stuck with for four years. We're not going to be any good next year regardless; I'd rather win 6 games and build for the future than win 14 games with guys who don't provide a foundation for long-term success.

Agreed...except you left the "W." out of Clark's name...:p
Big risk? What do we have left to lose? As Clark Griswold once said, "Worse? How could it possibly get any worse? The plane is crashing into the G--D-- mountain!"

If Caff can't find guys who fit what he's trying to do, there's no reason to burn scholarships on lesser players that we'll be stuck with for four years. We're not going to be any good next year regardless; I'd rather win 6 games and build for the future than win 14 games with guys who don't provide a foundation for long-term success.

I'm agreeing with you on not burning the scholarships. However, the big risk comes to play if we have a couple of injuries and only have 5-6 guys to play games. Do that for a year and not have a big recruiting class come in and people would go crazy.
I'm agreeing with you on not burning the scholarships. However, the big risk comes to play if we have a couple of injuries and only have 5-6 guys to play games. Do that for a year and not have a big recruiting class come in and people would go crazy.

Bring back the gray team (it should've never left in the first place) and there should be enough players to field a competi...well, a team anyway...
The loss in four years of a class of 5-6 players would be big. Bank one not a bad idea.

Banking 2 would actually balance the roster in the future. Scholarships

2011 - 3 (Cole, 2 banked)
2012 - 3/4 (Gatens, Brommer, Archie, new JUCO???)
2013 - 3 (Payne, May, Coughill)
2014 - 4/3 (Marble, McCabe, new recruit or 2 - hopefully Basabe and a PG)
Jon said this morning that we should just take our a$$ whoppin' next season and get some good kids that fit Caff's system for the future not just warm bodies for two years. I'm on board with that!! I just can't imagine how bad things would get if we lose MORE games than this year!?
Jon said this morning that we should just take our a$$ whoppin' next season and get some good kids that fit Caff's system for the future not just warm bodies for two years. I'm on board with that!! I just can't imagine how bad things would get if we lose MORE games than this year!?

I'm jiggy with this.

I also wondered about the balance in scholarships coming open in four years. But for this program that would be a really good sign that things are improving.
Banking 2 would actually balance the roster in the future. Scholarships

2011 - 3 (Cole, 2 banked)
2012 - 3/4 (Gatens, Brommer, Archie, new JUCO???)
2013 - 3 (Payne, May, Coughill)
2014 - 4/3 (Marble, McCabe, new recruit or 2 - hopefully Basabe and a PG)

I agree witht his thinknig and would prefer one as a JUCO and Basabe. Then we go 3 4 3 3 the next 4 years (barring a transfer or 2)
Jon said this morning that we should just take our a$$ whoppin' next season and get some good kids that fit Caff's system for the future not just warm bodies for two years. I'm on board with that!! I just can't imagine how bad things would get if we lose MORE games than this year!?

At this point Ryno, I wouldn't worry about more losses...Fran should take advantage of the honeymoon period to its fullest extent and make sure he gets this thing going in the direction he wants it to go.
I think it would be a rough go next season if he banked them all. I hope he does bank one, so we'd at least have two (barring more attrition) for the 2011 class. Banking two might be okay as well, depending on who we sign. I do think we need to add at least two players this Spring.
I think it would be a rough go next season if he banked them all. I hope he does bank one, so we'd at least have two (barring more attrition) for the 2011 class. Banking two might be okay as well, depending on who we sign. I do think we need to add at least two players this Spring.

I could handle 2 and 2...as long as they don't feel like they're "settling" on players, I'll just sit back, go along for the ride and see what happens.
I agree witht his thinknig and would prefer one as a JUCO and Basabe. Then we go 3 4 3 3 the next 4 years (barring a transfer or 2)

I like your thinking. Get one JUCO combo guard who can jack up shots, play aggressive perimeter defense, and contribute immediately. Then, try to bring Basabe, who fits because we really need some athletic post-forwards with Fuller's transfer. If another skilled player who can help make us competitive next year is available then take him, otherwise just wait.

That leaves 2 or 3 scholarships for 2011, where McCaffery will have a little more time to recruit, however, he is already behind for this class. I do think it is important the team is respectable in McCaffery's first year or two to keep fan and recruit interest.
I like the idea of banking 2 scholarships. Hope we can fill the other two for next year with some talent that can compete.
given the sorry state of the program, i could be convinced that banking scholarships is a better fix than using them on lesser talent, just to salvage this year. but, 'th GD plane has crashed into the mountain' is a quote from The Big Lebowski ... not clark griswold. he said something like 'how could it get worse? we're in the seventh circle of hell.' hope that helps.

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