what about malcolm moore?


Well-Known Member
So I saw him mentioned in another thread.. and was curious how he was doing down at Tyler... he is leading the team in scoring.. second on the team in rebounds, and is averaging over 1 rejection per game. I realize he is only 6'6", but it appears that he plays bigger than he really is.. much like Fuller.

Is this an athlete that you would be willing to take a chance on?

I am thinking that the kid is from Iowa City.. he has chemistry with Gatens... and could maybe fit into Lickliter's small ball game pretty well...

Just my thoughts... what do you guys think?
He did go to 3 high schools (Prairie, Wash, and City High) and had some academic issues. I can't remember the specifics.
Didnt he have academic issues at City?

No clue, I would assume he went to Tyler to get that straightened out so that he could go to a 4 year school and play. Waste of talent if he isn't taking care of his grades at Tyler.

Just a thought... as a City alum I would love to see him and Gatens teaming up in hawkeye uniforms.
Didnt he have academic issues at City?
Yes, he was ruled ineligible just before tournament time last year. And he went to a TX Juco as a non-qualifier by NCAA requirements.

Since he enrolled in a juco before qualifying via the NCAA Clearinghouse procedures for initial eligibility he has to not only obtain an AA degree from Tyler (or another juco) but he in the process he has to complete satisfactorily the equivalent of the core courses that he lacked at the time he finished at City High. Which means he won't be transferring to a four-year college or university associated with the NCAA for next year.

Even that would not mean necessarily that he could qualify for acceptance as a transfer to the U of Iowa (where the core course requirements are more stringent than those of the NCAA). Iowa Admissions can waive or adjust for some academic deficiencies but the core course minimum is not one where it has discretionary authority. Very unlikely that the Hawkeyes will be recruiting him.
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Besides, does another 6'6" player really fill one of our needs? We need a PG first and foremost, IMO. Otherwise, a true big man. Someone that is 6'10 or so.
Great! Then we would have three players from City High on our roster. Does anyone think that team was that great? I sure do not. We will take Gatens,not more or Lil Lick.

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