what 4 teams would you kick from the Big 10?


Next year with the expansion the Big 10 will be growing even further away from 10. So just for the sake of argument what 4 teams would you like to kick to get it back down to 10?

My teams would be as follows:

Pedo State, goes without say what they did should not be tolerated by the Big 10. I don't want that stain on the conference.

Osu Cheaters, once again I don't want the conference to tolerate recruiting violations and rigging test scores. This reflects poorly on the conference as a whole.

Michigan State cheap shoters, this is supposed to be an athletic conference not a no holds bared fight club. They intentionally attempt to injure players, cheat in game, and are all around dirty players in all sports. I say kick them for ripping of helmets and kicking players in the head.

Northwestern Mildcats, this school has a small fan base, gets terrible attendance at bowl games. They would be more suited for a smaller conference as far as revenue goes.

What would your 4 be?
So you want the B1G to really stink up the place huh? pretty much making it a mac conference taking out those schools.
If cheating on and off the field is what it takes I'd rather have an honest clean conference vs having them reflect poorly on the rest of the teams.
Rutgers (obvious)
Maryland (obvious)
Nebraska (non-AAU dumb school about the same size as UNI)
Northwestern (tiny private school that has no fanbase or support, and has only become successful due to being massively subsidized by the large, popular schools in the B10 by revenue sharing)
Based on EPL rules I'd have to boot Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota, at least using last year's results. For next year I'd do the same, the bottom 4 teams get booted and have to earn their way back.
Hawknick, the Big Ten would become irrelevant without Ohio State. As much as I hate to admit it but the Big Ten suffers when Michigan and Ohio State struggles. If tOSU moved to the SEC the B1G would go down the crapper.

But to answer your questions, from a financial stand point Iowa, Purdue, Northwestern, and MSU don't add much to drive revenue into the conference. But if I had my choice Penn State would be the first to go, they should have gotten kicked out after the scandal. Maryland and Rutgers do nothing for me, although I get why they added them, and my 4th would be Purdue.
I'd prefer to add two additional teams to the south rather than kick anyone out.

Honestly I would love to see Kansas added, it would be awesome to play them every year in basketball. Missouri would have been nice as well, then Iowa could have had border wars on all sides.

It is going to seem weird having Rutgers and Maryland in the Big Ten.
Based on EPL rules I'd have to boot Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota, at least using last year's results. For next year I'd do the same, the bottom 4 teams get booted and have to earn their way back.

But who gets promoted if we're using the relegation system, non-BCS teams? Northern Illinois, Toledo, Green Ohio, and Ball State?
But who gets promoted if we're using the relegation system, non-BCS teams? Northern Illinois, Toledo, Green Ohio, and Ball State?

I think he was talking about dropping to 10. That would be weird if we had 14 members but the worst four of them played as independents for a year and rejoined the next year. You have to finish top 6 to play in the B1G again next year. Probably would work better with 12 playing and only the bottom two kicked out.
In my opinion the ncaa and the presidents of these schools are screwing up all the good conferences.
Ohio State

Think of the bowl games we'll play in... assuming we can win 6 games.

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