Well done coaches


Well-Known Member
There have been several threads critical of the coaching staff throughout the season....the switch to zone was a huge part of the comeback today and their lineup adjustments in the 2nd half were exactly what the Hawks needed to pull away.

The lineup of Gesell, Marble, May, White/McCabe and Basabe put the game away early in the 2nd half. Kudos to all those guys for playing ba*&s to the wall the entire 2nd half and kudos to May for having his best game of the year.
I was also pleased to see this team keep their foot on the pedal and not let Minny back into it.. Closed this game out nicely.
Agreed the ZONE was a great move..

It was a good move to go to zone but I don't know why they keep starting the game in man to man against Minny. Hasn't it seemed like in the last three or four match-ups against Minnesota that Iowa has started each game in the m2m and struggled and then switch to zone and play well defensively?
The best move outside the zone was that fran didn't over manage the players. He found a lineup that was working and let them play.
i have a hard time keeping straight when our coaches are terrible and when they are good. seems like it alternates every other game according to this board.
I used to work with a guy named Al Kyber. Coached ABA, NCAA, worked with the team at the HS where we were.

He said at the Fran hire that he was a better coach than Lick or Alford. Only question was whether he could get B10 talent.

I don't believe HN. I believe AK. Fran can coach.
The best move outside the zone was that fran didn't over manage the players. He found a lineup that was working and let them play.

Well when we're scoring and playing great D, Fran doesn't have to "over manage" the team. He's had to do that in the past because we've had trouble scoring especially when Marble played poor. Just like when Fran was running set after set for JO, it wasn't that he wanted to do that, it's that none of our other options were working. I'm sure Fran would much rather have a solid 7 man rotation that he can just let play.
I used to work with a guy named Al Kyber. Coached ABA, NCAA, worked with the team at the HS where we were.

He said at the Fran hire that he was a better coach than Lick or Alford. Only question was whether he could get B10 talent.

I don't believe HN. I believe AK. Fran can coach.

LOL this guy really went out on a limb there , huh?
LOL this guy really went out on a limb there , huh?


Lick was a joke, category sick.

I've heard four D1 coaches in this region do the total verbal fellation of Alford. It's Knight worship by proxy and it's strong. I've heard one guy say he was overrated.

Hawkeye fans know better, but the dark illness is not confined to poor sick internet doucherockets like OK4P.

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