Welcome to the Big Ten Huskers


Well-Known Member
No doubt WI is a hell of a team, but NE is in for a rude awakening now that they play in a conference with teams they can't push around. Their defense is as suspect as ours and if WI had kept throwing, they might have scored 60. Martinez throws like I do (left-handed) and has 0 accuracy beyond 10 yards. His attempts to throw it deep had me laughing out loud all night.

Wilson is a man among boys at QB. I have said for years that if WI ever gets a real QB, they will be unstoppable. They did pretty well with some average QB's, but with Wilson, they could win a national title.

On another note, when did Purdue and MN drop to D2? Holy cow they are awful.
Nebby is in for a very rude awakening. Sure, there will be cupcakes, but in the B1G they actually play defense. Something not seen in the Big 12.
Nebraska is better than this...the momentum was lost early. They will pound OSU into the ground next week.
I bet nebraska loses to everyone the rest of the year. Ends with a mass suicide and everyone starts over. Let off a bomb in lincoln, just start over. Hire the pop warner coach, hang osborne from a cross. Just total anarchy, no i get what your slayin, its sounds like a good idea to me. We couldnt possibly win anything with this joke of a team.
I bet nebraska loses to everyone the rest of the year. Ends with a mass suicide and everyone starts over. Let off a bomb in lincoln, just start over. Hire the pop warner coach, hang osborne from a cross. Just total anarchy, no i get what your slayin, its sounds like a good idea to me. We couldnt possibly win anything with this joke of a team.

Sounds like you figured it out. Good job!
It will be interesting. I see a Neb team that plays aggressive and fast. Ohio State pretty good defense but no offense so, in Lincoln I give edge to Nebraska.... after that game there schedule looks favorable.... except at Michigan and Northwestern at home.

Michigan an Northwestern have the makings of high scoring contests, could go either way. I can see Nebraska at 9-2 or 8-3 with Iowa coming into Lincoln.

Iowa - Nebraska......hmmm don't know what to make of this game. If we played them this week we probably lose. Late in the year, I'm hoping Iowa is settled, the young guys have full season of experience... plenty of film on Nebraska by then. If Iowa plays mistake free (which we have not seen in some time) we win. If we give them anything we could lose by two or three scores.
I bet nebraska loses to everyone the rest of the year. Ends with a mass suicide and everyone starts over. Let off a bomb in lincoln, just start over. Hire the pop warner coach, hang osborne from a cross. Just total anarchy, no i get what your slayin, its sounds like a good idea to me. We couldnt possibly win anything with this joke of a team.

Only thing of note you have ever posted.
I bet nebraska loses to everyone the rest of the year. Ends with a mass suicide and everyone starts over. Let off a bomb in lincoln, just start over. Hire the pop warner coach, hang osborne from a cross. Just total anarchy, no i get what your slayin, its sounds like a good idea to me. We couldnt possibly win anything with this joke of a team.
Well by you being over here and not on all the melt down Becky boards, I think your playing it smart. They are flipping out over there. Reality stinks, you guys just are not that good, your not that much faster, you dont have better talent, and whatever all that other sunshine talk was.
We all tried to tell you T-mart would not fare well in the B10. You are lucky OSU cant seem to find the endzone or, you would be looking at another beating next week. You will win some, but not very many the way you played tonite.
In all seriousness i think the big 10 is a good conference with tough teams. Even if we lost to iowa i would still have respect for them. Big 10 Big 12, some teams are up or down. Weve played really good Oklahoma teams and now a very good Wisconson team. I think nebraska will be ok the rest of the year, and can win plenty of other games. I look forward to the Iowa game i think it will be pretty evenly matched. I dont like to talk alot of crap because im not out there doing anything. Im sure most of us would get our butts handed to us by the prep squad. None the less, im still happy nebraska is in the big 10.
It will be interesting. I see a Neb team that plays aggressive and fast. Ohio State pretty good defense but no offense so, in Lincoln I give edge to Nebraska.... after that game there schedule looks favorable.... except at Michigan and Northwestern at home.

Michigan an Northwestern have the makings of high scoring contests, could go either way. I can see Nebraska at 9-2 or 8-3 with Iowa coming into Lincoln.

Iowa - Nebraska......hmmm don't know what to make of this game. If we played them this week we probably lose. Late in the year, I'm hoping Iowa is settled, the young guys have full season of experience... plenty of film on Nebraska by then. If Iowa plays mistake free (which we have not seen in some time) we win. If we give them anything we could lose by two or three scores.

9-2?? HA HA HA. You think they will only drop one more out of OSU,MU,MSU,NU and Penn?
Meltdown mode is pretty rough but i dont really follow that stuff. I just like football. If someone can bring a good conversation ill gladly talk football and realty. Im not to big on the 5NC stuff. Its great but its been what, 10 years now since we even played in a NC game so you cant really boast that much. I still think id like to go to Iowa City and see the huskers play.
Meltdown mode is pretty rough but i dont really follow that stuff. I just like football. If someone can bring a good conversation ill gladly talk football and realty. Im not to big on the 5NC stuff. Its great but its been what, 10 years now since we even played in a NC game so you cant really boast that much. I still think id like to go to Iowa City and see the huskers play.

watch out on these boards...good conversation can be rare
Nebby will be okay ... Have to admit I enjoyed the win ... Nebby fans have been just a little too confident they would walk into the Big 10 and roll everybody ... I know that for a fact because I know a lot of Nebby fans here in Des Moines ... Fortunately for Nebby, the Big 10 is down this year and they just played the best team in the conference.

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