We may not see ARob for awhile

I have a gut feeling this injury might be more serious than it is played out to be. Where do the hawks go from there if that is the case?
In all seriousness bad news, Robinson was really showing me something. Our running game will be sick next year if all these guys are healthy.
Morse has looked awfully tough the few times he's touched the ball... Maybe we can get it to him a little more.

Hahahaha, yeah, I know...
Don't burn the shirt. Play Paki, throw 50 times, score 40 points, open the eyes of the haters.

Burn it! Burn it! Rogers is gonna be playing FB or LB after this year anyway. If Iowa does make if to the NCG or a Rose Bowl he's gonna want to be able to say he played 10 years from now. Redshirts are for linemen and injuries nowadays anyhow. We might need him the next few weeks. Paki can play special teams but that's it as far as I'm concerned.
And besides, Rogers might be awesome, who knows? I mean who would've guessed Jewel would have the breakout season he did as a true freshman last year? Even against the likes of Maine, scoring a TD in dominant fashion the first time you touch the ball as a college player is pretty badass!! So similarly, who's to say Rogers won't get out there and just cold run over some dudes?
What they do with Rogers, may well depend on how healthy BW is, If he cant go Rogers will be backing up Paki. By the way go easy on Paki guys He may be the carrying the load the next couple weeks

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