He seemed so giddy when describing how yesterdays' practice was "violent"! He was talking about Jack Campbell as a tone-setter, and how they frequently have to rein him in so practices do not get too intense and no one gets hurt. But I guess yesterday was pretty intense (it sounded spirited when I walked by the field), and I get the feeling Parker couldn't have been more pleased.
It will be interesting to see what the D does on 1st down to get Gophs behind the chains. Their O has one of the best 3rd down conversion rates in the country because they are constantly in 3rd and short. This nearly killed us last year; they more than doubled us in time of possession, won yards by 409 to 277, and even won the turnover batter 1-0. They converted 7/19 3rd downs, and 3/4 4th downs. But we put together 2 drives (FG then TD), and then scored on 2 big plays (72 yds to Jones, 27 yds to Johnson).
I am not sure if we have that big play ability this year, so I don't think we can allow them to grind us down. I am guessing we will see some blitzing and extra men in the box on 1st down, so we can force them to throw in 3rd in long. They are not going to consistently beat us through the air.