Watch: Dolph Talking About Growing

Dolph is one hell of a stand up guy. Can't say the same for the guy sitting next to him.
When Dolph finally hangs up the headset, i will still remember him not as the voice of the Hawkeyes for three decades, but as the sports anchor from (now mercifully defunct) KDUB in Dubuque who in 1980 or '81 came to Dubuque Hempstead high school on career day and gave a skinny, pimple faced future forum poster some advice about the field that kid aspired to enter.

Now, four decades later, I still remember that advice and use it well. He told me to start drinking heavily.

He didn't, but Dolph was a stand up guy then and he still is. He has his limitations as a basketball announcer and I still like Jim Albrecht better, just as I did on KDTH in 1979, but Dolph is a pro's pro in the business. And that's a solid legacy to leave behind.

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