Washpun interview?


Well-Known Member
I got the following post from another poster on another board. I did not catch the interview and hope some of you may have. If so I hope the following impression from that interview is wrong.

"Washpun was interviewed on the Ch 9(ABC) 10PM News in Cedar Rapids last night. He said in no uncertain terms he was going to "reward" the team that had been "loyal" to him in the long term and was not favorable to teams "coming in late".

He also implied he would rather go to a mid-major and be a "big dog", than go to a BCS school. He said "that's just how I am". It will be interesting to see how it turns out. That is what I heard. Anyone else hear a different interpretation or meaning of what he was trying to say?"
CAAR, the more posts of yours I read, it appears you take pleasure in the negative. What gives, brother? We all want the best for the Hawkeyes, right?
If you want to go read the comment over on hawk central have at it. I've used the same name over there for at least eight years that I use here. Those of you who go over there and read on occasion know that, that is true. I do appreciate that many of you over here have great insight and keep up on the latest developments very well. I've enjoyed reading your post for quite a long time but only began posting after the register destroyed the creativity over there on hawk central recently. If I ever step on anyones toes over here just let me know as I am known over at the other board as one who ignore the trolls and flamers. I will admit that the football rumors about the entire first string being suspended did touch a nerve with me this last fall. I have been following the hawks for over forty years and I am one who fearsly defends their image and reputation. I sense that my comments back then may have irrated a few of your more proficiently posters although my statements were mainly supportive of the points of view and comments that Jon made back then. I do not believe in personal attacks directed at individual posters and several of the hawk forum posters that are now over here also know that is the truth.
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You know you should carefully read what the post says and not what you think it says. I clearly stated that I did not see the interview. I am only quoting what another poster said he heard and his impressions of the interview. I am hoping that some of you caught the interview and may have the same impression or another impression of what was said.
Thank you, that's is the type of information I am looking for. This is what I enjoy about your board as so many of you are on top of the latest events.
CAAR, the more posts of yours I read, it appears you take pleasure in the negative. What gives, brother? We all want the best for the Hawkeyes, right?

Yeah, but I don't always agree that the party line is best. I have been on record saying quick success in recruiting is necessary to turn a team around and that I have felt Fran has spent a lot of time chasing things around the country and not paying enough attention to BIG hotbeds like Chicago. I also have questioned his choice of assistants with respect to the same issue. I just don't think you can succeed at Iowa without having a foothold in Chitown. Lick didn't really Fran's staff is worse.

That being said, with all the chatter pro and con about Wes, I just think if he spurned Iowa, all we could do would be to laugh.

And then start being a little more critical of the recruiting.
I don't think it's "IF" he spurns Iowa, but when. This will add insult to injury, as we will demonstrate that we can't retain the so-so in state talent, unless they are from Sioux City. We freaking OWN Sioux City and nobody can say otherwise. Ok, I have lost it. Why can't we get lucky once in a while with this stuff????
If I didn't admit I am concerned on the recruiting front I would be less than honest. I am still holding out hope that we get some really nice recruits. I also agree with the post about Chicago. There is a lot of basketball there and I sure some kids that are great that may not be getting the attention that some others might. I like it that the staff is recruiting from all over the country. I like it that they aren't afraid to approach some of the bigger names. I try to be as positive about out new coaching staff as possible. Cartwright and Basabe were excellant late grabs. I hoping more will follow, but I am nervously concerned at this point.

Oh, I do occassionally use an Ipod touch to post off of my home wifeless connection and at other locations, McDonalds, Borders, etc. The bad thing is sometimes the device changes words and I have to go back and try to edit some of my post on the device and it doesn't always want to to work the best. So if from time to time it looks like I am drunk or on drugs it's because I am......no just kidding it's the ipod from hell.