What a web of tangled up mess this is.http://www.usatoday.com/story/sport...rod-scandal-leaked-game-plans-ncaaf/95420520/
In no universe ever could I envision Podolak doing something like that. Supposedly for 2 years this guy had been passing along either some plays or maybe even whole game plans to opposing coaches. And of course none other than Bobby Petrino is on the receiving side of it. Of course he'll have an assistant coach be the go between fall guy for his plausible deniability defense. But that guy is such a lying crooked douche that there's no way that he didn't know about it and if he did he'd have been more than ok with it. He sure doesn't get any benefit of the doubt just because he's had his nose clean for a little while. And now it turns out it's possibly never been clean. I just wonder how many other schools/coaches were on the receiving end and what the impact may have been in those games. This mess will take a while to sort out and unravel. Of course Elrod has lawyered up... So have fun with this one NCAA...
In no universe ever could I envision Podolak doing something like that. Supposedly for 2 years this guy had been passing along either some plays or maybe even whole game plans to opposing coaches. And of course none other than Bobby Petrino is on the receiving side of it. Of course he'll have an assistant coach be the go between fall guy for his plausible deniability defense. But that guy is such a lying crooked douche that there's no way that he didn't know about it and if he did he'd have been more than ok with it. He sure doesn't get any benefit of the doubt just because he's had his nose clean for a little while. And now it turns out it's possibly never been clean. I just wonder how many other schools/coaches were on the receiving end and what the impact may have been in those games. This mess will take a while to sort out and unravel. Of course Elrod has lawyered up... So have fun with this one NCAA...