Wakey leaks


Well-Known Member
What a web of tangled up mess this is.http://www.usatoday.com/story/sport...rod-scandal-leaked-game-plans-ncaaf/95420520/
In no universe ever could I envision Podolak doing something like that. Supposedly for 2 years this guy had been passing along either some plays or maybe even whole game plans to opposing coaches. And of course none other than Bobby Petrino is on the receiving side of it. Of course he'll have an assistant coach be the go between fall guy for his plausible deniability defense. But that guy is such a lying crooked douche that there's no way that he didn't know about it and if he did he'd have been more than ok with it. He sure doesn't get any benefit of the doubt just because he's had his nose clean for a little while. And now it turns out it's possibly never been clean. I just wonder how many other schools/coaches were on the receiving end and what the impact may have been in those games. This mess will take a while to sort out and unravel. Of course Elrod has lawyered up... So have fun with this one NCAA...
Pitino, Petrino...

Louisville should know by now that "ino's" starting with P are a bad idea unless you want the number of a dirtbag lawyer, where the best hookers are, or how to graduate from college without going to college. Is anyone really surprised that he lied about it?
College football is corrupt. This is the tip of the iceberg. The power 5 conferences are semi-pro leagues....I just wish they would pay the players, who really deserve to be paid.

I wonder if this guy was being paid to release the information. I'm guessing he was
What's funny is Louisville's AD has already acknowledged their involvement. To what extent remains to be seen. And he was 'sorry' for the distraction it is for the bowl prep... Nowhere did he say sorry for accepting stolen information and having no problem using it... I mean WTF.. Both sides did wrong here. This isn't about a starving person eating stolen food to stay alive. This is strait up ethics. And college football has none...
Mike and Mike on ESPN this morning were pretty much calling Petrino a liar and that Louisville needs to address this. The whole story is crazy. The Wake announcer is obviously very bitter at being fired from the staff and this was his revenge. He screwed himself, he will never work in college football again.

Maybe the Patriots will hire him, they love this kind of stuff:)
Mike and Mike on ESPN this morning were pretty much calling Petrino a liar and that Louisville needs to address this. The whole story is crazy. The Wake announcer is obviously very bitter at being fired from the staff and this was his revenge. He screwed himself, he will never work in college football again.

Maybe the Patriots will hire him, they love this kind of stuff:)
Ha Belicheat is on line 1... Good grief. I hope the guy isn't married with a family. I'd imagine if he is she'll drop him like a hot potato.
Everyone is focusing on Louisville, and they should. At the same time this guy was feeding information to other teams since 2014.

Syracuse, Indiana, Boston College, Army, Notre Dame, Louisville, NC State, UNC, Florida State and Duke, just to name a few of their opponents
He screwed himself, he will never work in college football again.

Maybe the Patriots will hire him, they love this kind of stuff:)

Not working in college football is the least of his worries. He could do jail time over this thing, especially if he was getting paid.
I'm convinced Urban Meyer is the devil and he is behind all nefarious activity in CFB. He's such a douche, waving his arms trying to get the crowd involved like a freaking cheerleader against Michigan. Yeah..I remember Rockne, Osborne, Schembechler...all those guys used to run up and down the sideline waving their arms to the crowd trying to get them to scream for their teams. Like I said...douche.
Not working in college football is the least of his worries. He could do jail time over this thing, especially if he was getting paid.

No he can't. It's not illegal to do what he did it just makes him a huge douche.
I wonder how it will play out at West Point.

" A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."
No he can't. It's not illegal to do what he did it just makes him a huge douche.
Tell that to Steven Goria.

Accepting money to influence a sporting event is most definitely illegal and more than a few people have gone to prison for it.

If you've paid any attention to the media reports on this thing you've probably seen that Wake Forest has already contacted the state prosecutor and said they want to pursue charges. They're a whole lot closer to the situation than you and me and I'm assuming their counsel would have told them if it was a lost cause.

I'm not Alan Dershowitz by any stretch, but unless you are, you're opinion is about as rock-solid as mine.
The military doesn't lie?
Here we go with more of your moral evangelism on a college sports board.

You seem like a fairly good guy who's above average in his knowledge of college sports, can't we just leave it at that? Let's leave the social commentary to the pundits, no?
Well this guy evidently thinks he may have broken laws. They said he lawyered up right away. What do you need a lawyer for otherwise?
What I find interesting as the story moves along is how people are pretty split on the ethics of what those that took the info should have done. Mike and Mike were split on it. Golic thinks there's no responsibility to whistle blow on it. If they didn't use the info at all then that's good enough. I find that problematic in that how in the heck does that discourage this type of thing from happening? If nobody is willing to 'rat' out those doing it then it's just about having those involved being careless enough to get caught.
Hence this guy... Now Wake Forests coach is saying that yes they knew at the time of the Louisville breach and even had time to change their game plan to not include the plays that were passed along...(Hence why Louisville is saying they didn't use them) He even said that players were wondering what's up with so many of the plays not being used they'd practiced... So it was a he knew that they knew type of deal yet nobody was talking... The lack of ETHICS is an issue here too. It may not be as bad as what this douche did that goes without saying. But it's sure not good either and if people in the industry all lean towards Golics side of it then it's not going to change for the better anytime soon.