Viagra Commercial


Well-Known Member
So, does anybody have a problem with the Viagra commercial during today's game? The announcer said something about old people who aren't ready for sex should consult their doctor.

I think that if I was a 10 year old kid watching the game with my grandpa, I'd be a little embarrassed.
So, does anybody have a problem with the Viagra commercial during today's game? The announcer said something about old people who aren't ready for sex should consult their doctor.

I think that if I was a 10 year old kid watching the game with my grandpa, I'd be a little embarrassed.

Um, no. There are a lot of guys who are in the target audience who are watching a sporting event. And seriously, is there a channel out there that doesn't air Viagra/Cialis/etc. commericals (outside of strictly kids channels)?
Thank God the BTN doesn't run those lame Quest ads. They are about as bad as they come. A channel changer if I ever saw one.
PCmatic commercials are my favorite. The one where the guy is going to the store because of a computer virus.

I'm not sure if he is going to stock up on canned goods or what, it just makes no sense. Forget the cheap production quality.
So, does anybody have a problem with the Viagra commercial during today's game? The announcer said something about old people who aren't ready for sex should consult their doctor.

I think that if I was a 10 year old kid watching the game with my grandpa, I'd be a little embarrassed.

totally agree. the amount of these commercials and their timing is terrible. i thought the same thing about kids watching the game.
Um, no. There are a lot of guys who are in the target audience who are watching a sporting event. And seriously, is there a channel out there that doesn't air Viagra/Cialis/etc. commericals (outside of strictly kids channels)?

i take it you don't have kids..........
I have kids, but I'm not worried about these commercials. We're a strange society. The media is saturated with sexuality, yet when someone actually says something about sex, it's somehow weird or scary. There's a big disconnect in our culture on this issue. Our kids listen to Lady Gaga talking about "bluffin' with her muffin" and we can't hear the word erection.
i take it you don't have kids..........

No, I don't. I'm just a kid who grew up seeing this kind of stuff on TV, and I'm just fine. Seriously, they've pretty much always said "check with your doctor to see if you're healthy enough for sexual activity". I don't see what the big deal is here.
I have kids, but I'm not worried about these commercials. We're a strange society. The media is saturated with sexuality, yet when someone actually says something about sex, it's somehow weird or scary. There's a big disconnect in our culture on this issue. Our kids listen to Lady Gaga talking about "bluffin' with her muffin" and we can't hear the word erection.

This. Honestly, most kids are exposed to MUCH worse stuff than Viagra commercials.
I have kids, but I'm not worried about these commercials. We're a strange society. The media is saturated with sexuality, yet when someone actually says something about sex, it's somehow weird or scary. There's a big disconnect in our culture on this issue. Our kids listen to Lady Gaga talking about "bluffin' with her muffin" and we can't hear the word erection.

your kids might listen to that garbage.......
I have kids, but I'm not worried about these commercials. We're a strange society. The media is saturated with sexuality, yet when someone actually says something about sex, it's somehow weird or scary. There's a big disconnect in our culture on this issue. Our kids listen to Lady Gaga talking about "bluffin' with her muffin" and we can't hear the word erection.

You nailed it, dude. I would take your thoughts one step further and say our collective behavior (A):

"when someone actually says something about sex, it's somehow weird or scary"

Very directly contributes to (B):

"The media is saturated with sexuality"
"Lady Gaga talking about 'bluffin' with her muffin'"

We've made "it" so taboo and forbidden that it has become a bizarre, innuendo-laden national obsession...and it's EVERYWHERE. I have kids, they aren't going to listen to Lady Gaga until my wife and I say it's OK to listen to Lady Gaga (although I would like to believe they wouldn't want to listen to Lady Gaga b/c Dad is trying hard to teach them what REAL music sounds like!), but are you going to blindfold them in the checkout line at the grocery store? Seen a Cosmo cover lately?
I have kids, they aren't going to listen to Lady Gaga until my wife and I say it's OK to listen to Lady Gaga (although I would like to believe they wouldn't want to listen to Lady Gaga b/c Dad is trying hard to teach them what REAL music sounds like!), but are you going to blindfold them in the checkout line at the grocery store? Seen a Cosmo cover lately?

Wow! Your kids are either very young, or home-schooled, cuz if you think they won't be exposed to music outside the home that you don't like you are kidding yourself. I'm sure their friends will be glad to expose them to any music out there.
If you have an erection lasting 4 hours or longer... please consult a doctor.

One of the doctors I used to work with would laugh about these commercials and say "if you get an erection that last four hours, it will be your last one!" ...and then he'd laugh. He said it was true though.
We've made "it" so taboo and forbidden that it has become a bizarre, innuendo-laden national obsession...and it's EVERYWHERE. I have kids, they aren't going to listen to Lady Gaga until my wife and I say it's OK to listen to Lady Gaga (although I would like to believe they wouldn't want to listen to Lady Gaga b/c Dad is trying hard to teach them what REAL music sounds like!), but are you going to blindfold them in the checkout line at the grocery store? Seen a Cosmo cover lately?

If anything, those commercials expose kids to sex in a realistic and responsible way. I mean when you stop treating sex like a part of life, and start treating it as something forbidden or shameful, you get a skewed view of it.

I know you guys love my stories from the farm, so I'll spare the details, but guess how I learned about sex? And that was before I learned to tie my freakin shoes.

Also, Lady Gaga rules.

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