Very good read from HawkeyeReport

The tone of that article was almost downright personal. Does Brommelkamp have a beef with Barta outside of what transpired with Lickliter?
Not that I am aware of, but it makes you think that there was more to this than was let out at the press conference.
that was a very stupid article. Somebody needs to draw a picture for Todd and color in the facts so he will understand that Barta was taking the high road. Players were leaving again and barta had no choice. Not rocket science
This was an excellent article. It goes back to what I wrote last week. We have not supported our basketball program like it should be. We were to busy putting 6.5 million dollars into a rowing facility and not taking care of business.

Well the building on the practice facility, weight room and offices has begun but that still doesn't change the fact that Carver is a piece of crap and very quite. It also doesn't change the fact that Iowa is at best the 8th best job in the Big Ten. It will be a tough road up. Iowa fans need to do their part to correct it. Barta plays a bigger part however and needs to higher the right guy and than support him. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.
This was an excellent article. It goes back to what I wrote last week. We have not supported our basketball program like it should be. We were to busy putting 6.5 million dollars into a rowing facility and not taking care of business.

Well the building on the practice facility, weight room and offices has begun but that still doesn't change the fact that Carver is a piece of crap and very quite. It also doesn't change the fact that Iowa is at best the 8th best job in the Big Ten. It will be a tough road up. Iowa fans need to do their part to correct it. Barta plays a bigger part however and needs to higher the right guy and than support him. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

I didn't find this article to be very insightful, or accurate. Gary Barta DID immediately deny the reports that Todd was resigning due to health reasons, the same day the rumor started during the Big Ten tournament.

Also, if you're looking for Barta to spell out exactly what happened, that will never happen. Certain details are never going to be told, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that he sidestepped alot of the questions. That is just him doing damage control.
exactly swanssy. Barta was given info in good faith that it would not be made public IMO. He would be betraying certain players by giving the details. It really is obvious what happened

I do agree with previous guys that the facility should have been started a long time ago. I also think the girls volleyball and basketball teams should have been the ones inconvenienced instead of mens bb. they are much lesser programs.
Swansey, I do agree that the article pointed out Iowa has some credibility issues. In terms of questioning Barta about what he said in Feb vs yesterday I agree that is bogus. Of course he was going to support the coach back in Feb. Maybe the team plays really well and gets some momentum down the stretch. I think the inference that something changed in the past week is to strong to deny. Obviously Barta talked with certain players and didn't like what he heard so a change had to be made. That is what he meant that all-hands need to be on board for things to progress, which they weren't.

However, Barta, the fans and the whole athletic department better also be all hands on board for the next coach because if we have another three years like the last three than Iowa is then officially Penn State.
This article ranged between being willfully obtuse and just plain naïve. Just a few points in regards to that article 1) Of course Barta is going to support Lickliter during the season whether he has confidence in him or not - DUH! 2) I think that Barta does believe that Lickliter is a good coach and a good person, he probably is, but that isn't the question at hand or the question that Barta has to address. The question is (was) can this coach get this basketball program turned around and moving in the right direction next year given the current set of circumstances - player dissatisfaction, disillusioned fan base etc. etc. and the answer was no which left him the option of hiring a new coach which might get the players and fans excited again thus getting the program moving in the right direction more quickly.
that was a very stupid article. Somebody needs to draw a picture for Todd and color in the facts so he will understand that Barta was taking the high road. Players were leaving again and barta had no choice. Not rocket science

This is hardly a "very good read." It's pure garbage. Someone clearly has their own little problem with Lick's firing and is going to take it out on Barta.

I see very little inconsistent in what Barta said during the season and what he did yesterday. He had no choice but to take the high road during the season and yesterday. What the heck is he supposed to say -- "Our program's tanking, our coach is stuck in a 1950s mindset that's not working in the Big Ten, he can't land top players or to communicate with the ones he has, and I'm going to can him at the end of the season"?

I think Barta truly still believes Lick is a good coach with good values, and at a certain level I do, too. But his approach and style of play got rolled in the Big Ten big time. I, for one, am happy Barta recognized that and acted, in essence acknowledging he made a mistake three years ago.

Todd, forgive me if I don't give you the shekels to discuss your very dumb story in Hawkeye Lounge.
Lame article, poorly written and omitted some key facts.

1) Iowa did strongly refute the rumors on Friday
2) Barta did man-up and accept partial blame in the PC, several times, and has done so in the past regarding facilities and strength coach
3) While arguably Barta got a little too enthusiastic/verbose with his "I support Todd" comments in February, it is SOP in this industry... and Barta also said this in February:

"obviously, I’m not at all happy with where we are right now competitively, not at all happy with where we are in attendance and just the feel of the all-around program."

To spend a whole article parsing comments like this, when Barta simply said what virtually any other AD says in this situation - the writer must be living under a rock.
I thought the article reaked of a personal agenda such as having a close personal relationship or 2 on the staff. He didn't seem to want to pony up to the facts that the results under this staff sucked, the leader was stubborn and introverted in a changing extroverted environment, and we were going to have much of the same and hope for drastic improvement. How can anyone think Iowa will return as a regular as a top half, NCAA team under these conditions?
Again I think that part of the story was making a mountain out of a mole hill (the whole change from Feb to now) the part that struck me (which I agree with) is that the fans and administration haven't supported the last three coaches very well. Maybe Alford deserved it because of Pierce, but the fact remains that the last two coaches were stuck trying to recruit to a program from a state without great talent and to a facilities that are subpar for most mid-major programs. The whole time the administration is promising improvement meanwhile the they are to busy building a freaking rowing house.

All three of the past coaches have had great success at other programs either before or after Iowa. So maybe at least part of the blame should be on Iowa's program and not just say that Iowa is great and those coaches just suck.
One more point. I am not saying Lick shouldn't have been fired. The results were bad and if players were telling Barta they were not happy Barta had no choice. I am just saying blaming everything that has happened on the past 2 coaches is foolish. Iowa has some serious problems. Part of that is being fixed but not all of it.
I didn't find this article to be very insightful, or accurate. Gary Barta DID immediately deny the reports that Todd was resigning due to health reasons, the same day the rumor started during the Big Ten tournament.

Also, if you're looking for Barta to spell out exactly what happened, that will never happen. Certain details are never going to be told, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that he sidestepped alot of the questions. That is just him doing damage control.

This, plainly. But I'll add that Barta went in knowing that the way he had to handle it would put the heat on him, and that's part of the job. He did it the right way.

If he makes a great hire, the overwhelming majority of fans will forgive and forget.
I think Todd laid out a side of the argument that he feels is worth a discussion. I understand if some folks don't agree with it, because you will not find consensus on opinions like that. It's far easier to toe the line than it is to write something like that.
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One more point. I am not saying Lick shouldn't have been fired. The results were bad and if players were telling Barta they were not happy Barta had no choice. I am just saying blaming everything that has happened on the past 2 coaches is foolish. Iowa has some serious problems. Part of that is being fixed but not all of it.

This is only scratches the surface. Barta needs to "evaluate" his entire admin staff that has been there longer than dirt. This admin fails MISERABLY in comparison to other major conference admin staffs and what they do to support their programs to make them successful. And i'm not only talking about Rick Klatt.
I think Todd laid out a side of the argument that he feels is worth a discussion. I understand if some folks don't agree with it, because you will not find consensus on opinions like that. It's far easier to toe the line than it is to write something like that.

Well said, that is why I thought that it was a good read.

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