Vasectomies up around NCAA Tourney time...

I had mine right before the bowl season. Right before the Iowa-Cal. Alamo Bowl fiasco. Game was more painful than vasectomy.
I've heard of this too. Hey, whatever works. I'm not sure I'd want to have anything snipped or clipped just to watch the tourney, but then again I do look for excuses to stay home.
I have never had a vasectomy but I have used vacation days every Thursday and Friday during the opening round for the 15 years i have worked at my job.
I scheduled the extraction & removal of my wisdom teeth around the tourney.

Go in Thursday AM, get a local only, endure ungodly breaking noises and pulling, drive home.... as a reward, you enjoy two days of basketball!!!
I used to play RUGBY with a urologist who regularly sterilized men.

He used to get the song and dance about men wanting to stay home and "rest" after the procedure. Based on what I get from him, if someone needs a rest and recovery after a vasectomy then they 1) Should have gone to a better doctor for the MINOR procedure or 2) quit being such a PU$$Y. I have no recollection of the procedure myself but Last year my neighbor stayed home for 2 days with his sack on a pillow whining about how much he hurt.

I called him an absolute Pu$$Y and gave him the collar we got from the vet when we had our dog neutered. (the thing that looks like a lampshade to keep the dog from licking his stitches) My neighbor joked and said that thing wouldnt fit around my neck, I smirked and said "you idiot, its for your wife".
I scheduled the extraction & removal of my wisdom teeth around the tourney.

Go in Thursday AM, get a local only, endure ungodly breaking noises and pulling, drive home.... as a reward, you enjoy two days of basketball!!!
My HS math teacher died during a wisdom tooth extraction. Not a joke he went into cardiac arrest. He was as fit as a fiddle. Just sayin. Ya know.
I used to play RUGBY with a urologist who regularly sterilized men.

He used to get the song and dance about men wanting to stay home and "rest" after the procedure. Based on what I get from him, if someone needs a rest and recovery after a vasectomy then they 1) Should have gone to a better doctor for the MINOR procedure or 2) quit being such a PU$$Y. I have no recollection of the procedure myself but Last year my neighbor stayed home for 2 days with his sack on a pillow whining about how much he hurt.

I called him an absolute Pu$$Y and gave him the collar we got from the vet when we had our dog neutered. (the thing that looks like a lampshade to keep the dog from licking his stitches) My neighbor joked and said that thing wouldnt fit around my neck, I smirked and said "you idiot, its for your wife".

One correction though, you should have done some fact checking.
Once you get married, no collar is necessary....
One correction though, you should have done some fact checking.
Once you get married, no collar is necessary....
Excellent reply sir. You are correct indeed.

sex after marriage is like doing mail order for a civil war chess set, you only get one piece every six weeks, you never know which piece your gonna get and you have to pay shipping and handling for each piece.
I used to play RUGBY with a urologist who regularly sterilized men.

He used to get the song and dance about men wanting to stay home and "rest" after the procedure. Based on what I get from him, if someone needs a rest and recovery after a vasectomy then they 1) Should have gone to a better doctor for the MINOR procedure or 2) quit being such a PU$$Y. I have no recollection of the procedure myself but Last year my neighbor stayed home for 2 days with his sack on a pillow whining about how much he hurt.

I called him an absolute Pu$$Y and gave him the collar we got from the vet when we had our dog neutered. (the thing that looks like a lampshade to keep the dog from licking his stitches) My neighbor joked and said that thing wouldnt fit around my neck, I smirked and said "you idiot, its for your wife".

A real man would just perform the procedure himself.

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