Urban running up the score even in the last minute of play

...with a run up the middle??


Hawks are gonna have to play almost perfect to beat nebby...which makes me sick
Nebraska did have 2 timeouts left so they could not just take a knee. They just called a basic dive play and Nebraska's defense just sucked.
Love it. The big ten needs urban to save it. It's going to be him and saban ruling the ncaa for the next five-six years
Doesn't bother me. Nebraska has just as many scholarship athletes (maybe more with OSU sanctions), stop them.
You mean what nebby has been doing to cupcakes for years??????? They've always been the team that would schedule and demolish a bunch of nobodys in non-conference play and then brag about how great their stats are. Now they get it done to them.
I hate Nebraska more than just about anyone....anytime they get their rears handed to them by a BIG team it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
I loved Pellini yelling at his players and showing that "Mike Stoops"...you broke my toy, and you are going to pay for it look. Nebraska getting the score run up on them...it's all good. I think that is payback for last years grandstanding by Nebby when they came back from 3 touchdowns to win agasint OSU. Pellini was an arrogant *** after that...and would give OSU any credit...he kept saying his team didn't play well or we were terrible. Well, how's 63 feel BO.
Don't blame OSU at all. When you can't play in the post season, the rankings are the only thing you essentially have to play for. Unfortunately for Nebby margin of victory contributes to those rankings. IMO I loved it. Nebby wants OSU to stay out of the end zone here's an idea stop them next time.

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