Upload photos


Well-Known Member
I have three jpg files on my desktop that are under 16.0kb that I cannot upload in the manage attachments. I have tried to upload it using IE 9 and Firefox and get an "Upload of file failed" message each time. I have also tried converting them to bmp and gif and those don't work either.
Images have to be uploaded to an image hosting site, such as Flickr, photobucket, Picasa, etc. Can't post direct from a local drive.
I use Flickr.
Once your pic is on the hosting site, you can right-click on it and "copy image url" and then paste it here, using the little toolbar icon above that looks like mountains and a ufo against a yellow sky.
Images have to be uploaded to an image hosting site

Vin there is a "Manage Attachments" section below the submit reply button that includes this:

"Upload File from your Computer"

All of my BBQ pics in the "All night smoke" thread I have ever posted have been uploaded right from my own hard drive. Until now that is as it will not work.
PJ, i am having the same issue as I always used to upload mine directly from my pc.

Jon, will this be fixed or will we need to use photobucket, etc?
PJ, i am having the same issue as I always used to upload mine directly from my pc.

I just went back and looked at the Smoke thread - Rage, you and I have have posts with pictures that are now missing. I hope they can get this upload feature fixed.

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