UNC: We Failed Students 'For Years'

I've said it before, but people failed these kids long before they got to college. Actually, perhaps that's what they should have done. They should have failed them in the classroom so that they couldn't play and then maybe the kids would have wanted to learn. Maybe.
I've said it before, but people failed these kids long before they got to college. Actually, perhaps that's what they should have done. They should have failed them in the classroom so that they couldn't play and then maybe the kids would have wanted to learn. Maybe.

I'm not saying this to be mean, but I'm guessing due to a lack of parenting, half these kids are so far behind when they enter school that even if they wanted to catch up they might not be able to and then simply give up and accept it.
UNC: We failed students 'for years' - CNN.com

"CNN investigated the issue of poor academics among student football and basketball players after a researcher at UNC revealed that some could not read well enough to follow news coverage about themselves or even read the word "Wisconsin."


I bet they could find it on the map. Maybe they're just better at math and geography then they are at reading comprehension.

All jokes aside, its really sad that they fell through the cracks.
I'm not saying this to be mean, but I'm guessing due to a lack of parenting, half these kids are so far behind when they enter school that even if they wanted to catch up they might not be able to and then simply give up and accept it.

Parents, teachers, coaches, school administrators, friends, and on and on.

People keep talking about how these kids should be paid while they are in school since they bring in so much in revenue and can't work during the season. I believe the ones on full rides are already getting paid since they don't have massive amounts of student loan debt to pay off. They need to put the "student" back in student athlete so that these kids can continue to get paid after school. It's no wonder that over 60% of the kids that do actually make the pros are broke within a few years of being out of the league.
Very pathetic story about the state of college athletics. Most of these kids have no business being in college.
I wonder what the landscape of college athletics would be if all of the athletes had to meet stringent requirements (SEC included!).
Parents, teachers, coaches, school administrators, friends, and on and on.

People keep talking about how these kids should be paid while they are in school since they bring in so much in revenue and can't work during the season. I believe the ones on full rides are already getting paid since they don't have massive amounts of student loan debt to pay off. They need to put the "student" back in student athlete so that these kids can continue to get paid after school. It's no wonder that over 60% of the kids that do actually make the pros are broke within a few years of being out of the league.

It's a machine. They're being used for entertainment.

I generally feel pretty good about Iowa's student athletes, though. They are articulate, and typically, the graduation rates are high.

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