UNC gets a center

Espn also has Woodbury higher. He is a 95 and ranked 41 which is one point higher and 16 spots higher. We basically have a way better Center! ;)
Good thing we got Woody because I doubt our back up plan would have been as highly rated as UNC's back up plan.
I am soooo relieved! I felt so sorry taking a good recruit from ole Roy. It is nice to see they rebounded from this and got themselves a Center.
any bets he jumps Woody in the ranking after the commit to UNC, not saying he will but it would be a bet to make

Gee, I really don't think any other Center in the rankings made as big a move as Adam throughout the year, so it is doubtful.

BTW: stop with the conspiracy theory. You tried with Gesell and failed, but just keep trying if you will.
Actually I would not be surprised that the UNC recruit jumps Woodbury in the rankings. All those scouts will think that Roy picked up on something they missed.
Goes to show what Roy thought of Woodbury. Joel James looks like he could be a really good player but ended up being a fall back recruit behind Adam.