Unacceptable loss. Very unacceptable.


Well-Known Member
Just can't lose to teams like this. I'm starting to really wonder about the direction of this program. This team should be firmly playing for an NCAA seed and is looking more like an NIT team if lucky. I just don't understand how mentally weak this team is.
Fran can't coach at this level. Period. His teams collapse under pressure. I think we have enough data to argue this fact.
Just embarrassing to lose to a team as bad as Northwestern. Don't give me all those close losses crap, they are not a good basketball team.
I picked us 4-4 last 8 games and I might not get that! Just horrible coaching! Steal the ball and need a 3 at the last 20 seconds but coaching doesn't call a to. Glad to see we learned so much from the last game.
We were simply outworked today. One of the more gutless performances I've seen from the Hawkeyes in quite awhile. Outhustled, outshot, outplayed, outcoached, and a bunch of other "outs".

Truly pathetic. We will not go to the NCAA because we're not good enough.
Remember how this was the so called "easy" part of the schedule. The talking heads just need to STFU.
Not even a miracle shot by Jonny Utah could save Fran's coaching. Leaving Woody in was a HUGE mistake. He showed nothing in this game
Why did we foul intentionally on two separate occasions while it was still a one possession game with way more than 35 seconds left on the clock? That's some elementary school basketball **** there. Fran's on my **** list for that one.
Will not sit players...too much subbing...poor game management...late game coaching nonexistent. Fran is out of his leave, but I will take this over Lick
Why did we foul intentionally on two separate occasions while it was still a one possession game with way more than 35 seconds left on the clock? That's some elementary school basketball **** there. Fran's on my **** list for that one.

That wasn't Fran he was yelling at them with his arms in the air... a lot of that was Whites senior leadership... err mental meltdown.
I appreciate Fran getting us out of the putridness that Lick left. But it's obvious to pretty much any observer that Fran has taken us as far as he's going to.

Had he not managed the epic meltdown last year as poorly as he did, things would probably be different. But he didn't, they aren't, and his time is up. 5 years is plenty.
I'm so ticked right now. Just unacceptable decisions and terrible coaching. Why Gessell is driving the lane with less than 20 seconds down 5 blows my mind. SHOOT THE THREE. Why Woodbury who can't make free throws is in down the stretch instead of Olaseni blows my mind. Why Woodbury is even in the ******* game when he can't finish from two ******* feet away blows my mind. This team is turning into a joke yet again. I'll be surprised if we win more than one game the rest of the way. Just pathetic.

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