Scorp you've been around long enough, that is how Section rolls. He comes across like a "Mall Cop" .. Only dude grumpy is Section..
I don't read the Gazette! Have you never seen multiple post before tough guy??
I just can't wait for your next earth shattering post.. "Lunardi says part 2"
FYI, I just found out they are moving the large spot reserved for the opposition ticket allotment (band and/or fans) out of section 135 and into some worse seats. Presumably that would be Section 101 and 110. This is good! I hated seeing a large group people in red in those highly visible seats.
While theyre at it can they move the opposing fans from behind their own sideline all they way down the field to an upper corner?? I mean nothing looks better on the tv shot then seeing opposing fans lined up all the way down the field
It is not anywhere close to "all the way down the field." It as at most one or two sections on each end. For the games with a lot of visiting fans there are 4 different areas in the 4 corners of the stadium.While theyre at it can they move the opposing fans from behind their own sideline all they way down the field to an upper corner?? I mean nothing looks better on the tv shot then seeing opposing fans lined up all the way down the field
Those first row seats on the sideline are probably the worst seats in the stadium.
Yes they are. The only value I place on them is to be able to sit behind opposing teams and heckle the players and coaches. Intelligently and politely, mind you.