Two things we're not used to...


Active Member
First, losing our leading scorer to graduation instead of transfer. Gatens will certainly be missed as a great leader and key contributor to the improvement we've seen this year, but he's leaving with a Senior Night which is something that we haven't had much to celebrate in the past 5 years.

Secondly, we will be returning a nice nucleus of players in; McCabe, Basabe, Marble, Oglesby, and White with the new recruits sprinkled in. It's going to be nice to bring these recruits along at their own pace instead of relying on them for 30-35 minutes a game like Gatens had to do as soon as he came in. I know Woodbury and Gessell will play a lot, but we have people in the program currently that will be more than capable of spelling them and coaching them along in the program.

If McCaffery can continue to bring these players along with the addition of an impressive class we won't be worried about the NCAA tournament in 2-3 years.
Good post. I think the key is the final scholarship. Does McCaffrey have enough confidence that Basabe can bounce back and play with the necessary energy to impact the game? If not, then he has to go find a juco 6"8 who can play down low. I am not expecting Woodbury or Meyer to come in as freshman and revolutionize our post game. Meyers Leonard averaged. 2.1 ppg and 1.1 rpg as a freshman....granted, he played behind Tisdale.
Good post. I think the key is the final scholarship. Does McCaffrey have enough confidence that Basabe can bounce back and play with the necessary energy to impact the game? If not, then he has to go find a juco 6"8 who can play down low. I am not expecting Woodbury or Meyer to come in as freshman and revolutionize our post game. Meyers Leonard averaged. 2.1 ppg and 1.1 rpg as a freshman....granted, he played behind Tisdale.

I think McCaffery is definitely still on the trail for a JUCO either way. I'm not sure he'll sign one, but I don't doubt he is looking.
Also, I fully agree that losing Gatens will impact the team next year. It will be interesting to see who will step up in his place, and take leadership of this team (if you don't think Gatens is the leader, you're wrong).
Marble and White get my votes. Marble is a very cool character and doesn't show emotion much, but White is pretty transparent. I think by default we will see guys either step their games up, or ride the pine. Better talent means more spirited practices and more depth means no more charity minutes for guys.
I honestly think that Gesell will completely take over the scoring production that we lose with Gatens. Hopefully, Ogelsby gets more consistent beyond the arc as well.
I think McCaffery is definitely still on the trail for a JUCO either way. I'm not sure he'll sign one, but I don't doubt he is looking.
Also, I fully agree that losing Gatens will impact the team next year. It will be interesting to see who will step up in his place, and take leadership of this team (if you don't think Gatens is the leader, you're wrong).

I wouldn't be surprised to see us go juco either. I just hope we can target someone under the age of 26 who isn't a big risk guy. I can see Marble and/or White really taking over that leadership role. Right now, it's definitely Gatens. He's constantly in other guys' ears and they listen to him like he's a coach on the floor. We're going to miss that.
Glass half empty or full on one hand. Yes we lose Gatens and his production and leadership, but we gain 3 guards that combined should easily replace and add to the production from the 1-2 spots. We have 3 guys that are capable of 8-10 per night ( conservatively), so we should be + 10-15 points. Marble will be able to focus more on scoring vs. distributing and running the team (hopefully).
Good post. I think the key is the final scholarship. Does McCaffrey have enough confidence that Basabe can bounce back and play with the necessary energy to impact the game? If not, then he has to go find a juco 6"8 who can play down low. I am not expecting Woodbury or Meyer to come in as freshman and revolutionize our post game. Meyers Leonard averaged. 2.1 ppg and 1.1 rpg as a freshman....granted, he played behind Tisdale.

does Fran look at some of the juco colleges we have in the state? Indian Hills (kinda rated in juco like every year) Iowa Western? Iowa Central? we have some great juco i think if i was coach id be looking at these teams every year for at least one player!
Fran has recruited California, New York, Ohio, Georgia, Michigan, Indiana, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas...all successfully. He will leave no stone unturned.
I also think that having juniors and seniors in a program that have been under the tutelage of top notch coaches can pass along some words of advice and knowledge that the coaches may not me able to. I know personally it can be more helpful for a player's peers to reach out and impart some inside tips than for a coach to 'harp' on something. When these underclassmen get into their 3rd and 4th years they won't have to go through the same things over and over because they'll know what's expected, and that will filter down to the newcomers to the program.
i don't think Fran feels the need to get another player in this class, as in a interview the other night he was discussing one of the incoming player about a RS, the most discussed player is Meyer who could use a year of putting on some muscle as i heard at 6'10 he only weighs 215 lbs. and looking at the roster for next year Iowa is solid at 2 players at each position

PG Gesel fr 6'2, Clemmons fr 6'1
SG Marble jr 6'7, Ogelsby so 6'5
SF White so 6'8, May sr 6'5
PF Basabe jr 6'7, McCabe jr 6'7
C Olaseni so 6'11, Woodbury fr 7'1

with Ingram fr 6'3 to play the 2 in spot minutes
and allows Meyer 6'10 to RS
now out of those players listed would have to sit to get a 13th player on the roster, May will be a sr and we have Marble and Oglesby tp fill in for May if he gets injured again
to me the Meyer RS and saving the last scholarship would turn the 2013 incoming class into a 3 man class
does Fran look at some of the juco colleges we have in the state? Indian Hills (kinda rated in juco like every year) Iowa Western? Iowa Central? we have some great juco i think if i was coach id be looking at these teams every year for at least one player!

I doubt he's thought of that, somebody should email him.

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