Tucker and James Ferentz


Well-Known Member
A lot of people say AT should be kicked out for good. However when Brian got his 2nd violation very few people wanted him gone. Rules should be the same for both.
Every criminal charge involves different behavior. Tucker's behavior while intoxicated was far more hostile and dangerous to himself and bystanders. sI hope he gets the help I suspect he needs, being someone who has walked a similar path.

There is no bright line for judging behavior, in or out of a court of law.
A lot of people say AT should be kicked out for good. However when Brian got his 2nd violation very few people wanted him gone. Rules should be the same for both.

Tucker had another issue that seems to be overlooked a bit. Academics- Let's not forget Tucker was suspended for grades. He was all set to return to the team. Than boom another set back.
Also, let's not forget that Tucker had an illness that did not help the grade situation.
Tucker was found passed out the first time and the second time he was assualting the cabbie. Plus he missed a semester because of academic ineligibility, which really hurt the team last year. Tucker is unreliable and they are much difference situations.
Tucker can still turn it around if he chooses but as many have said, the staff and players around him can't help him in that battle until he chooses to be 100% committed to making a difference himself. I am glad to hear he is heading back to Iowa and I personally hope it is to stick it out and beat the drinking issue even if he never gets back on the court. The game of life is much larger than a couple of rims and a parquet floor and I believe Lickliter and company will honestly do what they can to help him make another set of tough choices (unless you grew up with alcoholics or were tempted yourself it may not seem like much but it can take years).
Wait a minute are you guys trying to tell me that college kids get to drunk?? Are you guys trying to tell me that 19 year olds don't practice responsible drinking. This is absolutely shocking news to me. Not only should this kid be kicked off the team, he should possibily do TIME!!! Come on people, give me a break, you guys ever rolled around the peg mall at 2 AM????? You could probably arrest over 50 percent of em for something, at least he took a cab.
not something to brag about. the amount of problems with the law in our athletic department over the last couple of years is embarrassing
Although that is very true moebar. These situations are on every campus in the country. I would say even more prevelant at our DIII instututions. By the numbers of student athletes we have there are going to be some mistakes made by the kids. And I stress KIDS. I am not condoning the behavior in any way. The University and Tucker will agree what discipline is merited in the situation.
I completely agree with the concept of progressive discipline. But, there is no reason to kick him off the team for good. The first public intoxication involved AT passed out in an alley - a bad situation but he was not hurting anyone. There is no evidence in the public sphere to link his academic problems with alcohol, although that may be. Still, he became eligible for the fall, so there was progress there. A second alcohol offense should involve a stiffer punishment, but not dismissal. We have yet to learn specifics about any physical assault.

I think some of us get carried away with wanting to punish athletes excessively. The average student would not be kicked off campus for two public intoxication offenses. Athletes have advantages, but they have tremendous time demands too. This is particularly so in BB, in which the season covers two semesters and mid-week travel.

I was never arrested while at Iowa, but was publicly intoxicated many times. I can admit I was lucky. I turned out to be a moderately successful adult. So may AT.
Every criminal charge involves different behavior. Tucker's behavior while intoxicated was far more hostile and dangerous to himself and bystanders. sI hope he gets the help I suspect he needs, being someone who has walked a similar path.

There is no bright line for judging behavior, in or out of a court of law.
Sure there is. In this incident, it is called "the law". And even if the law says he's guilty of underage drinking and public intox, I don't think those are worthy of getting kicked off the team.

I don't understand the angst or surprise by many when college students are caught drunk and/or drinking underage. I keep hearing it is the culture of the campus . . . so why the shock? I'm not.

I agree with your first paragraph. Underage drinking, public intox and DUI are distinctions with a difference. None of them are good, of course, (or legal) but I'm far less bothered by the former than the latter. And I don't drink.

The pattern is a problem cuz I'm sure he's been drunk many more times than he has been caught.
What about the people who sold AT the booze? I don't think he is 21. I assume he bought it at one of the downtown bars. Why do I never read about bars being fined for selling to minors?
The average student would not be kicked off campus for two public intoxication offenses.

The average student also is not getting a completely free ride to go to school, and does not play on t.v. (nationally televised sometimes) for the University's Basketball team. IMO, the standard of behavior should be a little higher for student athletes, especially those on scholarship.
This is an age old argument folks. While the general student body drinks till they vomit and act like idiots (hey many of us were in college at some point) the target is on athletes backs. Some cops with Paul Blart syndrome make a bigger deal out of minor situations etc. Iowa doesn't have any bigger or smaller problem then all the other athletic programs. Let me refresh some memories Lawrence Phillips at Nebraska beat several girls senseless yet the "Godfearing" Tom Osborne allowed him to not only play but play in the bowl game. Urban "Gatorarms" Meyer is going to allow their DE to play in the bowl despite multiple transgressions. My point you say---Tucker can stick around take his punishment and be relegated to limited bench duty the rest of his career because he can't be counted on to be SMART. Barta are you listening?

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