Try to remember today...


Well-Known Member
This is not one of our better football teams, and probably one of Iowa State's better ones.

If this doesn't end well for us today, try to lose with some dignity this year and not have a massive meltdown.
This is what I've been trying to say all week

Your really trying to tell Hawk fan to lose with dignity and not have a meltdown after a loss.. Now that funny.. Classic

I trust that Iowa will be in good hands today and I'm not buying the ISU is better talk. Guess will all find out soon enough..
Your really trying to tell Hawk fan to lose with dignity and not have a meltdown after a loss.. Now that funny.. Classic

I trust that Iowa will be in good hands today and I'm not buying the ISU is better talk. Guess will all find out soon enough..

I agree, Iowa is a lot younger than ISU but that doesn't mean the "older" players are better.
This is not one of our better football teams, and probably one of Iowa State's better ones.

If this doesn't end well for us today, try to lose with some dignity this year and not have a massive meltdown.

Don't tell me what to do--if I want to meltdown, I'll meltdown.

You're not The Boss of me, Springsteen.
Good call on the "hey, ISU is better this year" post. I see you're trying to have an excuse for a lost, and a way to puff your chest with a win.
There will be a meltdown on HN or Cyfan no matter what.

I pledge not to gloat here for a win, and will come here and give a complimentary virtual rump pat to you all if you win.
Iowa didn't play well last week, but that doesn't mean they can't play a lot better this week. We have as much, if not better, talent than ISU. It will be close, but Iowa will pull it out.

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