There is not a vocal leader for this team... I am guessing that is a point you are trying to drive home? I agree with you if that is the case. We haven't had an upper classman leader on the Hawkeye team since... ? It has been a long time. We have some capabilities in the near future.
Gatens would be the obvious choice, but that just doesn't seem like his thing. As a matter of fact I don't know what to think about him. He was so great coming out of HS, but if you want to see the definition of a scouts "poor tweener" this is it. I think he is probably best suited for SG... but what a waste of talent for a SG. If only he was just a little bit bigger. I wish he would watch some old tapes of Brunner or Settles... Gatens rarely gets the foul call when he is driving to the rim because he fades, and he is absorbs. If he would attack the rim, and reflect punishment... he would go to the line more often where he would make a killing with his high FT % and help out by putting the opposition in foul trouble.
Cole isn't a leader... but I believe he has given us all that he could and more over the last 4 years. I respect this guy and wish he could have been on a winning team here.
Basabe as a future leader? Possible? Hard to tell with freshman, but he has great communication skills and is a very solid freshman. Very possible. He is a solid foundation for turning this mess around that is certain.
If Fran could just find a solid big man JUCO that is capable of being a leader... but that is a tough one to find and sell on the Hawkeyes. If this gem is available they usually want to go to a team that is ready-made, but the best improvement that could be done is a big man with leadership skills to allow the others to fill the role they are best suited for and remind them of exactly that when needed.
Cartwright-Gatens-May-Basabe-and this BIG UNKOWN JUCO LEADER would be a good line-up next year. I mean... who are we going to throw in that spot? Brommer? Archie? A freshman? Make Basabe and Gatens play down low and run Cartwright, May, and Marble along with them? None of these combos are a good option.
We absolutely need a someone for this spot. Anyone disagree?