True Freshmen RBs


Well-Known Member
Compare and contrast McCall, Canzeri, and Bullock. Which of the three freshmen running backs are you most excited about and why? Who do you think will play first? Will two of the three get redshirts?

I might be the only one, but I'm most excited about Damon Bullock. Lightly recruited early on after missing most of '09 with a broken collarbone, he dominated Texas 5A District 5 (District Offensive MVP); that's one of the best high school districts in the whole country (by my count, the 8 HS produced 16 FBS players in the '11 class). He has really good tape and if he can learn to aggressively follow his blocks, he could be a very productive Big Ten back. As a plus, he played safety in high school as well and has solid tackling form, so he may get some early work as a special teams player.
Watching the video that John just posted on the front page, I want to see more of McCall. He looks like an absolute beast and Canzeri is almost dwarfed by him. He looks just as big and explosive in the pictures on
i don't have any familiarity with bullock so i can't comment on him, but what you said about him definitely perks my interest.

i saw canzeri's high school video and the kid excited me. i could see some big things out of him in the future.

but i'd have to go with mccall. didn't coker say something like he's a freak of nature? that's some pretty high praise from someone who has earned his own high praise and we expect big things out of. could be a really exciting couple years in the backfield

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