Tracy Webster


I am sure Coach Fran already has a good idea of who will be on staff (if not hired already) but Tracy Webster (interim Depaul coach) would be a great get. He isn't being retained by Purnell at Depaul. Already considered to have inroads with the major AAU programs in Chicago, could be a a major hire with immediate impact.
Some have questioned just how productive Webster has been at DePaul and Illinois,but I sure think he is worth looking into,and maybe talking to...he definitely is one of the most well-known local guys.

Wisky has Howard Moore on staff, a chicago guy who has done a very good job getting the Badgers into chicagoland..they have have a top ten chicago guy coming next year in George Marshall,and Devon Hodges,and Dukan,and are in on many more.

If he passed muster with Fran, I would have no problems with Tracy Webster.
I keep hearing whispers that an assistant will be hired and a PG will follow shortly. Webster has a PG in tow. However, I haven't heard anything about Webster to Iowa.
He did a very good job at DePaul when he took over the team, they played much better under him and the Chicago AAU and high school coaches were upset that he didn't get the job. I would be happy with him as an assistant.
Read an article in todays Chicago Trib that discussed DePaul's new coach Purnell's new coaching staff,and touched base with Robert Smith and Nick Irvin,coaches of state champ Simeon and Public league champ Morgan Park,and they both expressed disapointment that Webster was not retained,in pretty strong terms.
You can say what you want about Irvin,but I happen to think Robert Smith is a pretty straight shooter. I really think Fran should talk to Webster....he knows everyone,and everyone knows him,in the chicago area.

Billy Garrett jr..former Iowa assistant under SA, was retained by Purnell along with David Booth(former Depaul player and peoria native). Purnell had praise for Garrett,indicating that he had taken him around the area doing the intros and he was well-known also. So, I guess he felt he had his local guy in garrett,a downstate guy in Booth,and could bring his own guys in to fill out the rest of the staff.

I would not mind Fran ending up with his east coast guy(francis),a chicago guy(webster),and Iowa guy (Speraw,Davis,whoever he likes) and a GA (Horner would work for me.)..
I know this has been discussed adnauseum, but I wonder why the delay in hiring (or at least the official announcement of) the other assistants. My guess is he has a pretty good idea of who he wants. I don't know as any assistant he could bring on board now would or could help with '10 recruits, but you never know.
Could it be that Fran already knows who he is hiring and they are working on recruiting as free agents before they become employees? This might give an advantage to bypass contact rules etc. for people already on staff.

Just sayin'
Could it be that Fran already knows who he is hiring and they are working on recruiting as free agents before they become employees? This might give an advantage to bypass contact rules etc. for people already on staff.

Just sayin'

What better way to start off the McCaffery era than with a bunch of NCAA violations.
Could it be that Fran already knows who he is hiring and they are working on recruiting as free agents before they become employees? This might give an advantage to bypass contact rules etc. for people already on staff.

Just sayin'

They call they "being a booster".

Bill Martin would be proud.

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