Top five Hawkeye football players for autograph session

What is your choice for your top five past or present Hawkeye football players to have for an autograph session for yourselves and the kids?
1. Chad Greenway
2. Shonn
3. Dallas
4. Three Words
5. Kaedo/Gallery/Kamp/Bob/Drew/Ed/

1. Angerer
2. Sash
3. B-dub
4. Adrian
5. Amerstanzi
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1) Kooool----eeeee-----AHH-----nos (DJK would be very popular with kids)

2) Marvin McNutt, as well.

3) AC #94...........What can you say, the line would be long!?!?!

4) Americstanzi

5) Wegher-Bomb/Angerer/Edds/Sash/Vandevelde all good choices

All of the above

Clayborn would probably be the autograph i would want the most out of the current players

Tavian? What ever happened to TB or Shaw for that matter. I remember several years back Shaw was a backup in New England. They both must have been system backs that benefitted from our great OL's over the years.

Did somebody mention Ladell Betts? He's had solid years with the Skins.
What is your choice for your top five past or present Hawkeye football players to have for an autograph session for yourselves and the kids?

Nile Kinnick
The Ironmen
Peter Marciano
Mark Vlasic
Devon Mitchell

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