Too early to start the Ferentz to Pitt rumors?

Ha! I just thought the same thing. A homecoming. Except I don't think they've even approached Ferentz any of the 15 times in the last 3 years they've had a head coach opening. Besides, I am not sure Pitt could/would pay Ferentz the money or give him the years to bolt.

I realize you were being facetious, but thought I would nonetheless inject some logic into the discussion. How successful I was in doing so; well that's an open question.
By the way, Graham sounds like a real tool. Stayed a year...apparently TEXTED his players he was leaving. Classy.
By the way, Graham sounds like a real tool. Stayed a year...apparently TEXTED his players he was leaving. Classy.

Todd Graham Told Pitt Players Of Arizona State Hire Via Forwarded Text Message - From Our Editors -

The things football coaches do when hopping on the carousel and hopping off at a more lucrative job are rarely honorable, and usually leave at least some people left in the coach's wake feeling betrayed and used. Few players will be more justified in that anger than the Pittsburgh players who heard that their coach, Todd Graham, was leaving for Arizona State via a text message Graham sent to his director of football operations to forward to the team.

The text of that text message, via the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:

"I have resigned my position at Pitt in the best interest of my family to pursue the head coaching position at Arizona State," Graham said. "Coaching there has always been a dream of ours and we have family there. The timing of the circumstances have prohibited from telling you this directly. I now am on my way to Tempe to continue those discussions. God Bless. Coach Graham."​

The Pitt players who were at the school in 2010 will have had four coaches — Dave Wannstedt, Mike Haywood, Graham, and Graham's successor — in slightly over a year. And Haywood, who was fired after two weeks on the job when he was arrested for domestic abuse, didn't do a thing as callous to his players as let them know he was skipping town through a text message that he wasn't even professional enough to send personally.

No word on if Graham followed up with, "Good luck in the BBVA Compass Bowl, suckers!"

Stay classy, Todd.
Ha! I just thought the same thing. A homecoming. Except I don't think they've even approached Ferentz any of the 15 times in the last 3 years they've had a head coach opening. Besides, I am not sure Pitt could/would pay Ferentz the money or give him the years to bolt.

I realize you were being facetious, but thought I would nonetheless inject some logic into the discussion. How successful I was in doing so; well that's an open question.

Actually, Kurt's demonstrated tendency to stay put might be attractive to Pitt at this particular point. :eek:
Pitt is a "destination job" in the heart of the birthplace of football in a talent rich state that plays in a pro football stadium. Its one of the best jobs in college football.
If Pitt is a "destination job" then whats that make ASU? I don't think very many coaches think of Pitt as that. If its one of the best jobs where would you rank it? They aren't top ten. Probably not top 20 maybe top 50. If its the 37th best job is that really one of the best?
Are you fricking crazy? "One of the best jobs in college football?" What in the world are you smoking today???

If Pitt is a "destination job" then whats that make ASU? I don't think very many coaches think of Pitt as that. If its one of the best jobs where would you rank it? They aren't top ten. Probably not top 20 maybe top 50. If its the 37th best job is that really one of the best?

Your browsers must not be able to read thetrza's Roamin Sarcastic MT font.
If Pitt is a "destination job" then whats that make ASU? I don't think very many coaches think of Pitt as that. If its one of the best jobs where would you rank it? They aren't top ten. Probably not top 20 maybe top 50. If its the 37th best job is that really one of the best?

do they even have their own stadium? not sure - i know they were using heinz stadium, but maybe they've upgraded.
I was shocked when I heard Graham took the ASU position. He seemed like one heck of a coach that motivated players. But I guess business is business.

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