Tony Moeaki 1 handed catch

The new folks around here do not understand how fast info gets to this board. Basically if anything Hawkeye-related happens it is posted here within 10 minutes, usually quicker. Over 24 hours later that issue has been posted, dissected, and dropped to "Page 2" in section it was in.
I other news, reports have surfaced of a brash, arrogant Texan provoking the wrath of all HN. The story is ongoing, and reports will be posted as they arrive. :D
The new folks around here do not understand how fast info gets to this board. Basically if anything Hawkeye-related happens it is posted here within 10 minutes, usually quicker. Over 24 hours later that issue has been posted, dissected, and dropped to "Page 2" in section it was in.

Might be closer to 2 minutes ;)

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