Tomorrow's Game


Well-Known Member
As I am getting out all of my cold weather gear for my trek over to the game tomorrow, I am wondering if I will see anything different in the Hawks scheme. As in, a fake punt, an on side kick, or going for it on a 4th down?!?!?!? I am sure everyone in the world knows the Hawks, on paper do not match up aganst the Huskers, so the only way the Hawks can win,is to throw the "kitchen sink" at the Huskers. If the Hawks don't, it "another loss" will be on the coaching staff. They (coaching staff), need to earn their $$$$ and give the players a chance to win a meaningless game.
The only way to predict the future is to base your prediction on past similar events. With that being said, there is zero chance that KF "sells out" to win this game. His goal will be to keep the game close by limiting chances for turnovers on offense and limiting big pays on defense. The problem is Iowa doesn't have the athletes on either side of the ball to play that style. The only time it would work is if Iowa would have the talent that Alabama or some other top programs do.

Prediction is a game that ends with a similar score to the Michigan game but will play out closer on the field. Nebraska will pull away in the fourth quarter.