Tomorrow's Attendance (Wisky)


Well-Known Member
We all want a full-house of Hawk fans tomorrow night. What is your guess for the attendance? How many badger fans do you anticipate will show? Does their student section make the trip ala Illinois?

I'm guessing 13k total with 500-1000 badger fans. I hope the student section comes out in full force....*when u wish upon a star*

PS Does anyone know which game will have dog races for halftime?

Go Hawks
I'm going to say no more than 9,000. Probably 500 or so Wisky fans. If we win this one, then I can see 12,000+ for Minnesota.
9,000 announced or 9,000 actual? I think you are light on both counts although the weather may keep some of the season ticket holders away I suppose.
9,000 announced or 9,000 actual? I think you are light on both counts although the weather may keep some of the season ticket holders away I suppose.

I'm just playing it safe. 9,000 in attendance, not announced. But like I said, if we win tomorrow, the attendance for Minnesota should be sky high.
I'm thinking between 13k to near sellout. iirc the tickets that went unused due to weather for the MSU game carry over to Weds game. If that is the case then it's going to be packed.
I would LOVE to go (take the kids and do the family 4-pak) but, between drive and post-game traffic, wouldn't get home 'till after 11 on a school night.

Either way, it's very cool to be anticipating a good game.
(MUST have Gatens hit those wide-open looks, Cole to sustain his intensity, May to keep rebuilding his confidence and Basable to string together some consistency to have a chance against such a disciplined, effective team.)

Go Hawkeye basketball!
I'm definitely going, pretty exicited. It's hard to say how many are going to show up with the weather and all, but I hope it's packed. The tickets carrying over was a good idea and that should help boost the attendance a little. I don't know if we are going to be able to keep up with them though, they can really hit the three ball which scares me.
I think that's Iowa's MO. If the other team struggles from outside then we will have a chance.

I think they crowd will be a pleasant surprise tomorrow. There's no snow forecasted, right? Other than the cold, I think it'll be easy for people to come.

I'll be there!
I'm bringing my kids, 10,7 & 4...............sure I care about their education but the 2 1/2 hour ride home will give them plenty of time to sleep. I will say there will be more than 9,00 people there to, Carver will be rockin!
I'm bringing my kids, 10,7 & 4...............sure I care about their education but the 2 1/2 hour ride home will give them plenty of time to sleep. I will say there will be more than 9,00 people there to, Carver will be rockin!

You are so dead on with this. My wife and I have come to realize that it is only us who suffer from a long late night drive on a school/work day. And most of the time it is just me.

We play it smart and bring blankets and pillows for each kid. Get them all in their own space and they are out almost by the time we leave the parking lot.
I'm thinking we're looking at 11-12K. I just swapped a couple of unused Mich State tickets from my boss, looking forward to a W over the Badgers.
I'm going to say 13,000+ announced...10-11,000 actual...and it will be...LOUD!

Edit: Which should annoy all of the old farts who wanted somewhere quiet to go, cuz "Bingo Night" at Our Sister of The Old Timey was getting to be "too dang nab rowdy"...
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Had plans to go, but then a meeting for work popped up on Thurs morning. Not feasible to make the 3+ hour drive to Iowa City.

Hope the Hawks can win because that would give some serious positive momentum to the program!
F___ Bo Ryan. We're going to run them. I'll be there yelling at that crow-faced sonnova B to sit down. And i'm going to razz Brust... what a waste of a freshman year.
It's looking like I might get roped into working. If that happens, I'll be lucky to catch the last 10 minutes.