Todd Blackledge Comments during Michigan vs. Indiana

"It's almost like Michigan has decided to hold on every play, thinking the officials won't be bold enough to continue to call pass interference or defensive holding play after play."

No shit Todd. We know exactly what you mean.

Yep, throw a couple of flags early and let the players know you are going to call it and they might cut out a lot of the grabbing and clutching.

It was really bad that hankins or ojemudia got called on that PI but the Illinois guy who did the same thing there was no call.

lack of consistency in officiating hurts the games also
It's become a common strategy especially against run first teams - NW has been doing it to Iowa for years.
Send 7 or 8 to stop the run on anticipated running plays. Have the DB's hold or PI in the unlikely event of getting beat by a pass.
Many times the holding or PI it is not called.
If it is called, the downside is a penalty, but it is better than a TD or the potential gain. They are playing the %'s. The coaches calculate the benefit (stuffing the run on every play) is greater than the cost (occasional penalty).
Works best against predictable offenses.....
It's become a common strategy especially against run first teams - NW has been doing it to Iowa for years.
Send 7 or 8 to stop the run on anticipated running plays. Have the DB's hold or PI in the unlikely event of getting beat by a pass.
Many times the holding or PI it is not called.
If it is called, the downside is a penalty, but it is better than a TD or the potential gain. They are playing the %'s. The coaches calculate the benefit (stuffing the run on every play) is greater than the cost (occasional penalty).
Works best against predictable offenses.....

Yep, because they are only going to call it at most 5 times in a game. Usually only 2 or 3. Yet some coaches instruct their guys to do it on every passing play.