Thoughts on Fargo


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd pass on a few thoughts from Fargo. First off what a great display of talent, it just keeps on getting tougher every year. There were some really good wrestlers that didn't make it on the award stand more so than I have noticed in the past. As you could guess there were a bunch of college coaches on hand, even some acting as coaches for some states. As a whole I think the state of Iowa results were a tad disappointing and the lack of talent in the Cadet division for Iowa is blinding. Nagy was impressive for Iowa in both styles, but he is a foreign exchange student. We absolutely need better participation in the Olympic styles from our youth or we will continue to slide down the latter of the nations elite. For those that don't think that Freestyle and Greco matter when it comes to Folkstyle results you are mistaken, there is not a Folkstyle tournament in the US at the HS level that tests the mental and physical make up of a wrestler like Fargo, wrestling is wrestling no matter the rules.

As for some of the best wrestlers in the upcoming senior class I saw there you have to start with Devin Peterson and Thomas Gilman. Peterson is special talent, his ability to move so effortlessly is amazing and he is one of the best big man prospects I have seen in some time. The knock on him was his ability to take on physical wrestlers and he more than showed that he can handle being physical. Gilman was the talk of the tournament amongst most coaches. I have seen 100's of Thomas' matches and this might have been one of the few times he looked a little off the whole tournament which is saying something since he brought home the stop sign. Thomas is leaving to wrestle oversea's in a few weeks so he really trained right through this tournament and you could see he was not as fresh as he normally is. He has great head and hands defense and has very violent hands and is excellent in the front head position. What a lot of people didn't get to see is excellent array of setups and lower leg attacks and I think that had to do with a little fatigue from the training he has been doing up to the tournament.

Zane Richards was another guy who looked great out there. It was my first time getting a chance to talk with him in depth and there is only one word to describe him and that is intense. I think he is going to be a very successful collegiate wrestler. Jason Tsirtsis also looked good out there, but there are times when he coasts a little too much when he has the ability to score. There are a lot of similarities to his brother Alex, but also their styles are a tad bit different. One guy who who continues to impress me is Ben Whitford, although he is not an upcoming senior I had to mention him because I think he is the real deal.

As for Iowa I was really impressed with Alex Meyer, no one in the state has improved as much as Alex since February. He had some impressive wins and the best thing about him is that he expected to have success. Kyle Larson also had a good tournament placing 4th at a very tough weight. Clark needs to get more physical and use his hands better. Miklus gets better everytime out and needs to work on being more solid with fundamentals. Koethe is learning that he is not going to be able to bulldog everyone he faces and until he gets better at wrestling out in space he won't have the type of results he wants. Even at 152 he looked small against the top guys in the weight. Meeks is still trying to figure out some things in the Olympic style circuit, he is going to have to make adjustments to beat the best in the nation when it comes to freestyle. Peters to me just lacks awareness out there when he wrestles guys that can push him for a full match, he probably could have made 112, but he didn't look like he was smaller than the other guys.

As for the Iowa recruits Klapprodt and Rhoades, they both struggled against top rated talent. Neither are very mobile and have trouble if they cannot out muscle their competition.

UNI has three very capable upper weight wrestlers coming in with Caldwell, Cabell and Krumweide. Caldwell has improved a bunch and I think the month he spent up in Madison training really helped him. Cabell really competed hard and took a huge step forward in my eyes. Krumweide is tough to gauge, he needs to continue to develop physically to be effective at the next level.
Good thoughts USAF. The Cadets were lacking to say the least, and although the Juniors had a strong showing, they only won 2 out of 10 placing matches Saturday. Larson looked really good, and Meyer had some very nice wins, probably most notable was beating Steven Keogh. I thought Laux looked tough also.
You captured my thoughts pretty much 100% on all accounts USAF. I'm praying the light has gone on and we go all in for Gilman and that he is still in for wanting to be a Hawk. It would be a poor reflection (and a huge blunder) on the staff to miss out on a kid who not only lives in state but has openly confessed his admiration of the program. Clark did not seem very smooth from neutral and reached a lot in the matches I saw. The combination of being smaller for the weight and FS probably not being his best style did not help Peters, his losses were both to AA wrestlers. I doubt many of the others could comfortably make 112 except may be Silver (who is built similar to Peters) and he did not fare as well after moving up this year. Richards is quite powerful and being on the short side should be a 133. Whitford is very good. I agree on Koethe and feel Meyers seems like a better direction to go. Miklus needs to gain more power to match his bigger size. I always thought Cabell was a good looking sleeper, his size and power are not found every day. I'm not giving up on Klapprodt but I don't see Rhoads ever doing much and I hope we did not tie much for funds up with these two. Klapprodt should be only a smaller % and Rhoads seems like a book money/walk on type with a shot to prove like what Jannsen, Kerr or Raising were. I'm getting a bit nervous with recruiting; when Zalesky was here and Brands was the lead recruiter I thought the recruiting really dropped off with a lot of settling for guys rather than getting blue chippers and we really struck out with some in state guys like Pape, Clark ect. I don't know who's call it was to recruit like that, Brands or Zalesky. Brands has landed some big guys on his own but Schwab was doing a lot of the leg work then. It seems pretty obvious Schwab can recruit, I just hope Tom can indentify and bring in the right guys as well. Maybe he has been just as important or more than Schwab, I don't know. I do think we have done some overallocating of funds/talent at some weights while not attending sufficiently to others. That needs to impove. There easily will be a fair amount of $$$ as backups at a few weights while we are very thin to open at others ie 197. 125 will be 1 legit guy deep if Ramos/Clark don't cert that low. 184 will really not have a trusted backup with guys moving to fill the 197 hole which we have not recruited at all expect Ambrose. 285 will have only Telford after this year, any issue there and we are forfeiting. I hope things really start to come together.
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GREAT job as usual USA, I wish I could have been there with you. I am starting to get concerned about recruiting. It seems to me that they are missing out on some GREAT wrestlers. Gilman for example. Maybe its just me being paranoid but I hope to see some recruits sign pretty soon!

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