This is interesting. Official heights/weights from USA Basketball U18


Well-Known Member

Patrick mcCaffery - 6'7 (barefoot) and 182 lbs
DJ Carton - 5'10.5 and 189 lbs
Looks like Pat is 177 lbs to me and the same wingspan as Carton at 6'6"? That doesn't seem right.
McCaffery is 177.

Not good...not good at all.

Fits the Fran mold perfectly. EDIT: before somebody goes off, I'm not criticizing a young guy who's battled through cancer. It's about Fran's apparent preference for skinny guys.
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Height without shoes. Because there are lots of times where Big Ten players play without shoes on.

Looking a little closer, I find it interesting that shoes make a bigger difference for some athletes than they do for others. There seems to be anywhere between a 0.5" and 2.0" difference between barefoot height and shoes height.

It would be interesting to know more about the measurement methodology. Are they measuring the kids with/without shoes and then immediately measuring them again the other way? Are they waiting part of the day and potentially skewing the results (humans tend to be a bit shorter in the evening than in the morning).

I suspect that the range is primarily a result of athletes wearing diverging brands/models of shoes, in which case, I suppose there is some value in listing their non-shoes height in an effort to remove as many variables as possible in comparing the athletes.