Think about this for a moment


Well-Known Member
All the basketball tourneys are done.

Each conference has crowned their "champ."

So, how about, we wait, oh, 30 days, then have one team play another team, with tie-ins, based upon where they ended up in conference play, rankings and conference selection committees....interested in money and only money. No tournament.

One game between 64 different teams playing in 32 games....spread out all over the country in 32 different venues. No tournament.

Then at the end, "they'll" crown a champion based upon these final 32 games, which, really, only the tOSU/Kansas game counting. The rest are eye candy only. And I don't care what your record is, if you're not from one of the power leagues, you'll never get a chance to play for the ring. None at all.

Sound absurd? Sound empty? Sound anti-climatic? Sound just plain dumb?

That is exactly what we have in college football.

Can't believe the same NCAA which gets so much "right" with the BB seasons completely hoses up the end of the FB season.
And oddly enough, we don't hear the complaints about missed class or too much travel that we always hear when a football playoff is discussed, even though teams like USC basically have to get on a plane right now in order to make their "first round" game.

When I think about how freaking amazing a football playoff would be it just depresses me.
hey seff - think about what would happen to my liver if I had 11 weeks of tailgating (season ticket holder to two big ten teams) and then Iowa made a run in this hypothetical playoff of say 4 weeks - that would be FIFTEEN weeks of tailgating. The beer, the nachos, the encased meats, the crown, the red bull (to keep me charged). I would freaking die. Think of the fans.
hey seff - think about what would happen to my liver if I had 11 weeks of tailgating (season ticket holder to two big ten teams) and then Iowa made a run in this hypothetical playoff of say 4 weeks - that would be FIFTEEN weeks of tailgating. The beer, the nachos, the encased meats, the crown, the red bull (to keep me charged). I would freaking die. Think of the fans.

Not to mention how trashed you'd have that "prole-on-wheels" jalopy you call an RV.
Not to mention how trashed you'd have that "prole-on-wheels" jalopy you call an RV.

Dude, that thing by law ain't allowed to leave the State of Iowa. We fixed that back tire so there ain't a crack in it anymore and it now holds air.
Football is not basketball. One difference is that college football has the greatest regular season in sports,while the college bb regular season is one giant yawn now that the NCAA tourny is all anyone gives a crap about.
Another difference is that basketball players rarely get concussed on the regular basis or are nothing but walking wounded after 12 games in the regular season. Sure,lets just have college football players play 15-16 games and totally destroy their bodies for our entertainment rules,right?
yup not going to lie...I watch hawkeye bball games....and that's about it during the regular season....I could give a crap less about other teams...but college football?? I watch EVERY game I possibly's just different.
NCAA basketball isn't really exciting to me at all until March Madness, it's kind of meh.

It's like comparing apples to oranges....not only imo has the NCAA tourney really made the NCAA basketball season fairly worthless to the average just couldn't have a widespread playoff with football. So if you're saying "do away with bowl games and we will have a 16 team playoff..." well 16 teams out of 119 division 1 football teams would earn a postseason berth? are you kidding me...103 teams pack it in and say see you?

I totally agree with maybe a top 4 bcs championship playoff but that's about it.
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yup not going to lie...I watch hawkeye bball games....and that's about it during the regular season....I could give a crap less about other teams...but college football?? I watch EVERY game I possibly's just different.
NCAA basketball isn't really exciting to me at all until March Madness, it's kind of meh.

It's like comparing apples to oranges....not only imo has the NCAA tourney really made the NCAA basketball season fairly worthless to the average just couldn't have a widespread playoff with football. So if you're saying "do away with bowl games and we will have a 16 team playoff..." well 16 teams out of 119 division 1 football teams would earn a postseason berth? are you kidding me...103 teams pack it in and say see you?

I totally agree with maybe a top 4 bcs championship playoff but that's about it.

The entire BB season is a yawner? Really? Tell that to the 13K who watched last-place Iowa beat Purdue at CHA, then rushed the court.

And I've never said do away with all bowl games. I've said, put in a 16-game playoff to determine the real champion.

And finally, do you really mean to tell me you watch everyone one of those worthless bowl games pitting 6-6 versus 6-6? Really?
The entire BB season is a yawner? Really? Tell that to the 13K who watched last-place Iowa beat Purdue at CHA, then rushed the court.

He said that he watches Iowa BB. Hopefully he's not one of the douchebags who rushes the court, though.
Football is not basketball. One difference is that college football has the greatest regular season in sports,while the college bb regular season is one giant yawn now that the NCAA tourny is all anyone gives a crap about.
Another difference is that basketball players rarely get concussed on the regular basis or are nothing but walking wounded after 12 games in the regular season. Sure,lets just have college football players play 15-16 games and totally destroy their bodies for our entertainment rules,right?

I'm guessing you don't have an issue with the NFL playing a 16 game schedule. The NCAA should ask former and current players what they think.
The entire BB season is a yawner? Really? Tell that to the 13K who watched last-place Iowa beat Purdue at CHA, then rushed the court.

And I've never said do away with all bowl games. I've said, put in a 16-game playoff to determine the real champion.

And finally, do you really mean to tell me you watch everyone one of those worthless bowl games pitting 6-6 versus 6-6? Really?

So you're telling me that on senior night against a top 10 opponent Iowa couldn't even sell out their arena. That about sums up how much the regular season matters in college basketball.
He said that he watches Iowa BB. Hopefully he's not one of the douchebags who rushes the court, though.

Yeah I watch Iowa bball, but not the other games....that is the point I was football I am interested in just about every

And of COURSE I didn't rush the court....I was much too busy reading my Wall Street Journal....and besides rushing the court/field is for proles.

EDIT: I was at the Iowa purdue game and every other game my schedule allowed me to make it to Carver SDK so don't act all high and mighty.
I'm guessing you don't have an issue with the NFL playing a 16 game schedule. The NCAA should ask former and current players what they think.

NFL players are adults who are being paid millions to sacrifice their bodies.
College players are not being compensated,other than a scholly,and are still 18-22 yrs old....big difference.
NFL players are adults who are being paid millions to sacrifice their bodies.
College players are not being compensated,other than a scholly,and are still 18-22 yrs old....big difference.
Nobody is putting a gun to their heads to make them play. They can always say no.
The entire BB season is a yawner? Really? Tell that to the 13K who watched last-place Iowa beat Purdue at CHA, then rushed the court.

And I've never said do away with all bowl games. I've said, put in a 16-game playoff to determine the real champion.

And finally, do you really mean to tell me you watch everyone one of those worthless bowl games pitting 6-6 versus 6-6? Really?

That one game made the season exciting?
Dude, that thing by law ain't allowed to leave the State of Iowa. We fixed that back tire so there ain't a crack in it anymore and it now holds air.

Let me guess...a can of fix-a-flat. If ever there was a prole invention fix-a-flat fits squarely in the top five.

And in my scenerio....none of the tourney games have been played..nor will they. see....we're waiting for another 20 days, then we'll get a bazillion games in a week, but only one-and-done games between teams which were "selected" to play each other by committees based upon fan travel, pedigree, coach-name, and nonsense reasons.

And the only game which "counts" will be the tOSU/KU game. No other game matters in the final rankings.
I agree, why have a champion determined on the field (or court) of play when you can have a committee appoint one for you. What could be more American than instant gratification?

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