There are forum posting rules..tacked to top of FB page


please be sure to be familiar with them. Criticism is allowed, but name calling, profanity, ignorant comments like so and so sucks, those are not allowed.
Honest question Jon- are we allowed to discuss how a certain player played and if they didn't play well what they did wrong, etc, as long as it is not meant to be hurtful or dumb comments like so and so blows, etc? Or if a QB or a kicker has a crappy game, are we all just supposed to talk about how execution lacked and things will get better next week?
Jon - Hawkeye0en12 and ISUer need to have the hammer dropped on them tonight.

I hate to say it, but I haven't seen anything that bad from ISUer tonight. I don't think we want this board to be like CF where anyone from the other teams gets banned any time they have an opinion.
Honest question Jon- are we allowed to discuss how a certain player played and if they didn't play well what they did wrong, etc, as long as it is not meant to be hurtful or dumb comments like so and so blows, etc? Or if a QB or a kicker has a crappy game, are we all just supposed to talk about how execution lacked and things will get better next week?

Believe it or not, it is possible to offer intelligent criticism without resorting to name calling and the such.
Believe it or not, it is possible to offer intelligent criticism without resorting to name calling and the such.

Pretty sure I have never resorted to name calling and such, Jon. Just wanting to make sure I don't get the ban hammer because someone is grumpy and has an itchy trigger finger is all.

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