Well-Known Member
For those few insane folks trying to argue that the PSU situation is not an NCAA issue...let me help clear that up for you. is the letter than the NCAA sent to Penn State on November 17, 2011 regarding their intent to investigate their athletic program. They do well to lay out WHY they are being investigated as it pertains to NCAA rules violations.
Second...this is directly from the NCAA Division 1 Manual, regarding Institutional Control, and is referenced by the NCAA in the linked letter.
Article 2.1 The Principle of Institutional Control and Responsibility
2.1.1 Responsibility for Control It is the responsibility of each member institution to control its intercollegiate athletics program in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Association. The institution's president or chancellor is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the athletics program, including approval of the budget and audit of all expenditures.
2.1.2 Scope of Responsibility The institution's responsibility for the conduct of its intercollegiate athletics program includes responsibility for its staff members and for the actions of any other individual or organization engaged in activities promoting the athletic interests of the institution.
Having read the letter and the NCAAs definition of institutional control...if you are STILL of the belief that this is not an NCAA issue, please raise your hand...and then proceed to smack yourself with it. is the letter than the NCAA sent to Penn State on November 17, 2011 regarding their intent to investigate their athletic program. They do well to lay out WHY they are being investigated as it pertains to NCAA rules violations.
Second...this is directly from the NCAA Division 1 Manual, regarding Institutional Control, and is referenced by the NCAA in the linked letter.
Article 2.1 The Principle of Institutional Control and Responsibility
2.1.1 Responsibility for Control It is the responsibility of each member institution to control its intercollegiate athletics program in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Association. The institution's president or chancellor is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the athletics program, including approval of the budget and audit of all expenditures.
2.1.2 Scope of Responsibility The institution's responsibility for the conduct of its intercollegiate athletics program includes responsibility for its staff members and for the actions of any other individual or organization engaged in activities promoting the athletic interests of the institution.
Having read the letter and the NCAAs definition of institutional control...if you are STILL of the belief that this is not an NCAA issue, please raise your hand...and then proceed to smack yourself with it.