The player that made Kirk Ferentz


Active Member
Who would you chose as the player that made Kirk Ferentz's program?
The one player that made his program what it is today?
Ladell Betts. That guy gave everything he had on the field in some of the toughest times for the Hawkeyes. He was running behind some of the smallest lineman ever in '99 and '00 even and to me he epitomized what Ferentz was trying to instill with a team first mentality. Although he didn't get to take part in the best teams of Ferentz, he led the buildup to them.
Who would you chose as the player that made Kirk Ferentz's program?
The one player that made his program what it is today?

Not sure any single player really is the answer for this program. I think the entire team in 2000, specifically the final 3 games, bought into Kirk and it started the path to success. I would say Sanders was a huge part of guys buying into it, his on the field presence was key.
I agree Bob sanders.
He is the one player that I feel turned the Iowa program into what it is today. I feel that without Sanders, Ferentz might not be here today. I think that Bobby set the tone and image that has become Iowa Football under Kirk Ferentz. He is the type of unnoticed high school player that Ferentz finds, polishes, and puts into the NFL.
Maybe it's just me.. I find this post ridiculious..

I'm sorry but no ONE player or PLAYERS made KF. That is ridiculious. KF built this program and he instilled in those players what his expectations were.
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Dallas Clark small town Iowa walk on to NFL star, or Chad Greenway from 8 man football to NFL.

Making my point.. Dallas Clark and Chad Greenway. Built by KF and his Staff..They didn't make KF...

Like the Thread reads. "The player that made Kirk Ferentz"..
One in every crowd!

One in every crowd?

I view it differently. I think anyone suggesting that one player made KF is kinda ridiculious.. Sorry that is just me...

You brought up Dallas Clark and Chad Greenway. 2 players that are where they are because of KF and his staff...
Since we have to nitpick how about I rephrase the question.

Who was the most important player that allowed Ferentz to turn it around?
One in every crowd?

I view it differently. I think anyone suggesting that one player made KF is kinda ridiculious.. Sorry that is just me...

You brought up Dallas Clark and Chad Greenway. 2 players that are where they are because of KF and his staff...

What I'm saying is why can't people just have fun with a post. If you think it is ridiculous than just don't post or you could have said that no one player made KF, besides if you want ot be technical the players didn't make him his Mon and Dad did.
What I'm saying is why can't people just have fun with a post. If you think it is ridiculous than just don't post or you could have said that no one player made KF, besides if you want ot be technical the players didn't make him his Mon and Dad did.

I did have fun with the post. :)

Oh by the way I was being Technical with my response. It was a response to the thread Title..

Sure I felt I knew I knew what he meant. However you just never know..

Go Hawks..
I think Sanders, no question. He just gave the defense and the whole team an attitude that had been missing in the final years of Fry and Ferentz's first season.

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