The Olympics and the KF way


Well-Known Member
If we think of KF's coaching as it relates to Olympic T&F, I think he would always make the finals in his event, but never the podium.

It was an awesome Olympiad on the track, and there were so many examples of athletes having to make the decision to go for glory, or to play it safe. Going for glory sometimes worked out: see Cole Hocker committing to a pace he wasn't sure he could maintain because he knew it was the only way to win. Sometimes it didn't: for example Jakob Ingebrigtsen trying to blister the field to avoid getting outkicked by Kerr (and not placing), Femke Bol trying to run the 1st 200m with McLaughlin-Levrone because it was her only hope of beating her and missing out on silver, or Elle St. Pierre committing to a pace that her legs just couldn't match and dropping in the pack.

I have no doubt that KF's approach has helped to maximize our number of wins over the last 2 decades. But sometimes it would be nice to know we went for it, consequences be damned. Here is Elle St. Pierre's post about her Olympic experience:

A lesson I learned early in my track career is that I’d rather risk it all going for the big goals than to have regrets later about giving myself a shot.
The pace went out FAST and I committed. Unfortunately my legs just didn’t have what it took the last 300 meters or so. Sure I probably could have placed higher if i didn’t run a 59 first lap, but I find peace in knowing that I went for it! The art of racing is finding the balance between being brave enough to give yourself a shot and not biting off more than you can chew.

Some of my best races have been the result of committing to whatever fast pace the lead pack makes, just not this time. It stung a bit, but I feel better knowing I gave it my all in my preparations and knowing that I left it all on the track. It was a journey just even getting there and the finishing results are not taking away from the absolute amazing Olympic experience I had in Paris.

Standing on that Olympic final line (for the second time in my career) is something I am incredibly proud of and remembering those few moments of rubbing elbows with the world’s best is the most supreme souvenir.

Shoutout to my USA teammates @emily_mac7 and @nikkihiltz , you both represented our country so well, it was an amazing trip to Paris with you. I have so much respect for you and all of my 1500m competitors.

Congrats to @faithkipyegon the absolute GOAT. @jessicaahull on a well deserved silver!! So happy for you! And @georgiabelltheduathlete on bronze, what a remarkable race!
Playing it safe is allowing Deacon Hill to start the last 9 games because you are afraid the alternative could be worse. It is not making an OC change during the year because that is not the way you have done things in the past. It is having one of the most exciting players in the country on your team, and giving him 2 offensive snaps during the season.

Going contrary to the safe play could blow up in your face (maybe CDJ gets hurt practicing offense), but at least you know you took a swing.
Playing it safe is allowing Deacon Hill to start the last 9 games because you are afraid the alternative could be worse. It is not making an OC change during the year because that is not the way you have done things in the past. It is having one of the most exciting players in the country on your team, and giving him 2 offensive snaps during the season.

Going contrary to the safe play could blow up in your face (maybe CDJ gets hurt practicing offense), but at least you know you took a swing.
I have expressed similar feelings at times on the forum.

Look on the bright side of things. At least Beth is here and Brian is gone. Can you imagine if Barta hadn't retired???? Chances are very high that a 10-2 season would have resulted in Barta retaining Brian. Also Barta threw out the 25 point average per game stipulation knowing he was retiring. I guess Barta knew that the barbeques at Kirk's house with him and Brian wouldn't have happened any longer if Barta did any thing but get on his knees for Kirk while he was still acting AD. We all seen how upset Kirk was that the decision was made before the season ended.

I hope people can give Lester time to try to get the pollution out of the water and the well on the offensive side of the ball. We may be drinking bottled water until the well is fixed. Might need to rent a Budweiser truck until we get there.

I know a few months ago I commented about how this needs to be the year for Iowa. We have a very favorable schedule, maybe the best defense in the country, a solid running back core, a much improved offensive line, and strong special teams................ COME ON QB position!!!!!! Don't eff up everything!
BG was mostly the face/messenger in the BF decision. The edict came from above her. But no way it goes off as smoothly as it did with GB at the helm.

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