Ok, I will not argue it is the greatest sports event....altho I still maintain that attendance and tv ratings do not intrinsically determine the ''value'' of an event holds for anyone that is a fan of the sport.
Objectively speaking ,the World Cup is probably the greatest sporting event,but I do not care for soccer so I could not care less.
I enjoy the tourny because I am a bb fan. I also love the NBA playoffs. They are different games,but I am not hung up on how the college game is inferior to the pro game...like some media guys.
You say it is like bingo for you. You don't like bb better than bingo?
I would call you a casual bb fan,I guess,based on that comment,which is fine,nothing wrong with that,but the bracket filling aspect for me is a minor sidebar for me. I like the games, the one and done desperation,the tension,the competition,and really,I like seeing players that I have not seen all year....exciting players,like the little pg on VCU or Derrick Williams the big dude from AZ. And as a Bulls fan, I am always on the lookout for a 2 guard for them to draft to replace Bogans.