The Geography of College Football, ie. TV Markets

Good grief! This is some amazing stuff. Iowa has more fans than all of the SEC schools, except Alabama, Auburn, and Florida. The Big Ten may not have won a national championship in a number of years, but still has the 3 most fan-populated teams in the country with OSU, Michigan, and PSU. The addition of Rutgers and Maryland will not immediately bring a lot of fans to the table, but I would guess the interest in the Big Ten in general will increase in the NY/DC areas and the conference will ultimately benefit. Give the BT a couple of years to get national playoff exposure and it may become a money machine, if it is not there already. Thanks for posting this very interesting article. Hopefully, other posters on this board will take an interest and add their comments.
I've said GT to B1G all along but isn't this moot now with the ACC grant of media rights? SEC teams are the only schools without it IIRC
The article says, "For instance, according to Google Insights for Search, the term “college football” is searched for about 5 times as often in Birmingham, Alabama as it is in New York City, relative to overall search traffic."

So what? Have you ever searched for "college football?" I haven't. I always want something more specific than that, such as "Northern Illinois University football." A general search like "college football" would seem to be made by non-fans rather than fans!
I understand that they are tying to use some kind of framework...but # of google searches seems far fetched to me. Seems that 1 fan could drive a lot of those searches and fans like us already have bookmarked our sites. Still interesting but not sure I buy it. Again, they said they didn't have hundreds of thousands of dollars to do a deep study.