The divisions arguments really remind me of the expansion arguments


Well-Known Member
They are have been countless threads already about proposed divisions and alignment based on speculation and reports of varying credibility. Its interesting to me how we went through this same thing basically with the expansion discussions/arguments. Think about how many expansion scenarios were false and looking back, completely ridiculous.

In the end expansion was settled by the simplest result...adding one team that fit the Big Ten mold. Ultimately I believe the divisions will be decided using common sense which boils down to two main things: protecting rivalries and geography.

I think UM and OSU will be together and there is no way Iowa goes East. I guess time will tell but in the end I would expect a very simple scenario to end up as the end result. All the time without knowing has caused people to overthink this
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I agree with this the stupidity that was said on both topics was mind boggling. I'm to the point where I don't even care how they do it. Just get it over with and move on.

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