The Colts are now dead to me

that's how you pick you NFL teams?

f that ... have some team loyalty

example: Bulaga is dead to me right now
You could look at things from a fantasy perspective. All players who don't perform well are dead to me.
that's how you pick you NFL teams?

f that ... have some team loyalty

example: Bulaga is dead to me right now

Exactly!! I "support" teams with Hawkeyes...BUT when the chips are down and I am really rooting for a team...It's...DA BEARS!

Bulaga not only left Iowa early showing no loyalty...he left and went to Green Bay...puke.
I never cared for the NFL until the Colts drafted Dallas Clark and Bob Sanders in back to back years. I instantly became a Colts fan and have been since, Peyton is one of my favorite athletes of all time. Now that everything I ever cared for about the Colts is gone, Ive lost that loving feeling.
that's how you pick you NFL teams?

f that ... have some team loyalty

example: Bulaga is dead to me right now
Honestly, I've never been a diehard NFL fan of any one team. I like a few teams, like da bears, and chiefs, but I'd never get season tickets for them and if they sucked more, I'd care even less than I do now for them. The only color I bleed is Black and Gold for the Hawkeyes.
At 2-14 with no Peyton Manning, they were dead to a LOT of people...:D

Za zing. Thing about the NFL is you gotta trickle guys out like the Steelers do. They lose a ton of good guys all the time to free agency, but they do a great job on draft weekend and they know that after that first contract is up, most NFL bodies are already spent. That the Colts held on to that many key pieces of a Super Bowl team for as long as they did was amazing and now they have pulled the band aid off quickly - it's gonna hurt.
I will remain a Colts fan. However now that all my favorite players are no longer going to be there I will root more for every hawkeye on their respected team. Not New England though.
As a long-time Patriots fan, this thread delivers much laffy. :-D
A long time fan, or just a fan since Brady won his first ring? U bandwagon hopn ****

No, Vin grew up an Illini fan and he loved Tony Eason. Vin was the only guy within 50 miles of Chicago who wore Patriots gear the day of the January '86 Super Bowl. He trolled before there was such a word.
How many times do I have to relate my journey of discovery as it pertains to pro football?
The day Mike McCaskey fired Coach Ditka and hired Wanny, I forsook my Bears fandom.
Shortly thereafter (1998), I relocated to southern New England. Since I was a football orphan, and since southern New England had a team, I gladly accepted the invitation to become a Patriots phan.
Now shut up, BTR. Go...lower your cholesterol, or attempt to unlock value in a company through an acquisition, or something.

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