The Big 12 Lives On. Now What For ISU?


Well-Known Member
The Big 12 lives on and is moving to a round robin football schedule. That means one less non conference football game for Iowa State. Beginning in 2011 ISU plays Oklahoma, Texas, Texas Tech amd Texas A & M in the same year, every year. One less non conference game against a beatable team is being replaced on the average by at least two teams and maybe three teams that will be tough to beat. However, Nebraska is no longer on ISU's schedule. Therefore, the numbers are reduced to one and two, respectively.

Now comes time for a decision. Does Iowa State continue to play Iowa? In my opinion, no. Iowa State will need to lighten up on the non conference schedule to maintain an overall schedule of similar toughness. That means Iowa will need to be dropped so Iowa State can pick up a far more beatable team to maintain similar won loss records and position them for bowl consideration going forward. Otherwise, Iowa State might find themselves with non bowl worthy records and consistently staying home for the holidays.

Your thoughts?
My guess is that the series continues. Personally, I wouldn't mind making it an every other year thing...that way every kid at each school gets to play once at home and once on the road against their in-state rival.

With this huge increase in TV revenue...a lot of good things could be happening for ISU. Bowling in the stadium may be back on the menu in a few years.
I would vote to drop this series in a heartbeat. Despite the media hype of 'how good this is for the State of Iowa' I have a feeling that most fans on both sides would admit that it is more harmful than good. There's nothing fun about it. I personally hate seeing F-ISU or F-Iowa T-Shirts all over the place and all of the bad sportsmanship that takes place between both parties. There is no respect for each other's programs or accomplishments. Noboby outside of this state cares about this rivalry anyway.

It's the only week and game during the football season that I cannot wait until it's over win or lose. I'd much rather add an additional conference game if that were a choice.

I think given the changes to both conferences there is for the first time a valid reason on both sides to discontinue this series.
Iowa v ISU week is one of the best weeks in DSM...I could see in the smaller towns on either side of the state it not being as huge but in DSM where there is a mix of Hawks and Clones its really fun. I don't see why this conference realignment needs to affect this rivalry. It would be disappointing for it to end...
The Big 12 Lives On. Now What For ISU?
They will continue to suck as always. As far as the series...take it, leave it, who cares.
It's funny how the IOWA-isu game defines their season. Meanwhile, we treat it as an inconvenience.

Speaks volumes.
I'm sure it will continue.

When Iowa State wins they will act like they won the national championship; storm the field; crow about bragging rights; publish Youtube videos; etc. etc.

Iowa will try to win the game but frankly will be more concerned about injuries and just getting the game over with, since it really is a meaningless game for Iowa that is truly just a "non-conference" game against a traditionally weak foe.

In other words, the game is all "up-side" for Iowa State and all "downside" for Iowa.

But it will continue.

Now, if Iowa is required to play 9 or 10 conference games, that will spell the end.

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