The Beginning of the Revolution?


Well-Known Member
Once limited to a "lunatic fringe," I think the anti-KF movement may have grown some legs tonight. People loudly booed Vandenberg, and some even threw the yellow ANF towels at the players as they were heading into the locker room at halftime. How much of it had to do with fans having 12 hours to consume as much alcohol as possible, I don't know, but it was not a pretty sight.
It's hard to see Iowa being much better in the near future, at best we'll likely be an 8-4, 9-3 team. I doubt we win a Big 10 championship soon. If any of this is the case, most of the fan base will turn on Kirk.
If there was anything that could put Kirk on the hotseat, it was a performance like this on a night like tonight. If he didn't have the contract he has, he'd be on notice Monday morning that his job depended on the rest of the season.
It's hard to see Iowa being much better in the near future, at best we'll likely be an 8-4, 9-3 team. I doubt we win a Big 10 championship soon. If any of this is the case, most of the fan base will turn on Kirk.
I'd take 8-4 in a heartbeat right now. 9 wins on average is about right for the Hawks. Iowa fans don't expect 10 wins, but they certainly don't expect 7 win seasons considering what Ferentz makes.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid you people behave when you're disappointed.

I think mah boy Sherman and I must have hit teh Way Back machine tonight, because I swear I heard the exact same derp exactly 28 days ago. Boy, you guys really stuck through "being done" with Kurt and teh program. I am sure those 70,000 sold tickets really sent a message to Garta that a change needs to be made.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid you people behave when you're disappointed.

I think mah boy Sherman and I must have hit teh Way Back machine tonight, because I swear I heard the exact same derp exactly 28 days ago. Boy, you guys really stuck through "being done" with Kurt and teh program. I am sure those 70,000 sold tickets really sent a message to Garta that a change needs to be made.

Generally, I agree with this. But I will say that I've seen some people start expressing doubts who I'd never have expected it from. This game was far worse than the CMU game, IMO. At least in that one, you could sell the whole "we overlooked them" angle. This was just downright pathetic on a big stage in the Big Ten.
Its all about empty seats. Wait till an Iowa game looks like Purdue, Indiana and NW with bleachers for fans. Kirk is A Rod2. Gonna be a long off season. When this turns into Lick2, change will happen.
It never ceases to amaze me how stupid you people behave when you're disappointed.

I think mah boy Sherman and I must have hit teh Way Back machine tonight, because I swear I heard the exact same derp exactly 28 days ago. Boy, you guys really stuck through "being done" with Kurt and teh program. I am sure those 70,000 sold tickets really sent a message to Garta that a change needs to be made.

In case you guys weren't aware, misspelling names such as "Garta" and words such as "teh" is comedy gold.
1) There is an awful lot of stupid in this thread.
2) Anyone who throws **** at an athlrte, especially a college one, is a lunatic.
The players enter and leave the field through the heart of the student section, who is prolly more lubed up than any other section
If I saw stuff being thrown at the players I would throw stuff at that fan..I'm trying to picture those athletes walking into the tunnel at kinnick after getting their A's handed to them and then getting pelted with something from their home crowd....this isn't Philadelphia and those kids aren't millionaires... Pisses me off.

I'm hoping those of you who were at the game and saw this, at least said something to the D-bags that were doing it and if you were one who threw something, keep your ticket money, buy a dog mask and go throw snowballs in Cleveland..we don't want you...
Its all about empty seats. Wait till an Iowa game looks like Purdue, Indiana and NW with bleachers for fans. Kirk is A Rod2. Gonna be a long off season. When this turns into Lick2, change will happen.

You mean wait til our bleachers look like they did at the start of the fourth quarter. Can't tell you what they looked like at the end of the game, because I left midway through the fourth, amazed I made it that long.

Again though, it amazes me that an entire thread is dedicated to Kirk being the sole reason why we lost. It once agan had absolutely nothing to do with the offense, defense, and special teams that got their butts handed to them in every aspect of the game.

We're we out coached yesterday? Absolutely. To pin it all on KF though is a joke, although he certainly deserves his fair share.
Its all about empty seats. Wait till an Iowa game looks like Purdue, Indiana and NW with bleachers for fans. Kirk is A Rod2. Gonna be a long off season. When this turns into Lick2, change will happen.

I agree. Same as a business. The CEO won't get fired unless the "company" starts losing money.

However, KF is damaging the reputation of the brand (Iowa) and the product (football)

As Michael said, you wanna make a difference, you gotta make that change.....Fans will have to stop attending games, and choose another product to make that change.
If I saw stuff being thrown at the players I would throw stuff at that fan..I'm trying to picture those athletes walking into the tunnel at kinnick after getting their A's handed to them and then getting pelted with something from their home crowd....this isn't Philadelphia and those kids aren't millionaires... Pisses me off.

I'm hoping those of you who were at the game and saw this, at least said something to the D-bags that were doing it and if you were one who threw something, keep your ticket money, buy a dog mask and go throw snowballs in Cleveland..we don't want you...

I can tell you are a 1%'er, and not the wall street fat cat kind, the SOA kind. Cold blooded brah.
There will not be any revolution, they will run Wiesman 25+ times a game, get one or two big pass plays and that will be enough to get 7 victories. Gator Bowl, 8 to 10,000 traveling fans against an SEC opponent "who doesn't want to be there". The revolution will be put on hold at least til 2014.

Same as it ever was.......same as it ever was.
What if you knew the stuff I was throwing at them was your old bag of a mother? I'd love to see her being hoisted into the air and landing on some group of co-ed's.

I can tell you are a 1%'er, and not the wall street fat cat kind, the SOA kind. Cold blooded brah.

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