Texas Tech to attempt the "Silent Scare"

Soooooo it'll be just like UT is taking to their practice field......yeah that ought to be scary. While they are at it, they just shouldnt cheer the whole game. That would be really confusing and we all know confusing = scary. :confused:

What would be tough to combat is if the crowd was instructed by some sort of instructer (similar to a music instructor) and they basically get loud then quite for no reason at unpredictable times like during huddles and pre-snap. It would be almost like turning the lights on and off repeatadley or someone yelling in a golfers back swing. That would be tough to get used to.
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It won't work anyway. TTU fans are some of the rudest in the country, and they'll drop it fast after UT scores for the first time (if it even lasts that long).
Soooooo it'll be just like UT is taking to their practice field......yeah that ought to be scary. While they are at it, they just shouldnt cheer the whole game. That would be really confusing and we all know confusing = scary. :confused:

What would be tough to combat is if the crowd was instructed by some sort of instructer (similar to a music instructor) and they basically get loud then quite for no reason at unpredictable times like during huddles and pre-snap. It would be almost like turning the lights on and off repeatadley or someone yelling in a golfers back swing. That would be tough to get used to.

I like the idea of the "silent scare" the name sucks though. But the second half of your post is pretty damn funny. Reminds me of boxing - theres always an over/under on how long the fight will last, usually to the second. For example, 1 minute 30 seconds into round 7. If you know the over/under mark you'll notice the crowd really cheering on the boxers as it nears that point because a number of people in the audience will have bet it. So at what would seem like a random point in the fight the crowd will start yelling on their boxer to that point and then cease after the mark has passed. It's pretty funny.
Actually, I used to have tickets to the LA Clippers when they played in the old LA Sports Arena. As you can probably guess there were often not that many people there. So, we could be more creative with noise and silence.

A well timed group shout during a free throw can impact the game, when there isn't much noise in the arena. The Hawk fans can try this in Carver this year, because the attendance should be about the same.

In Kinnick? No way.

But it would be awesome if somebody could do it during a field goal attempt.
Actually, I used to have tickets to the LA Clippers when they played in the old LA Sports Arena. As you can probably guess there were often not that many people there. So, we could be more creative with noise and silence.

A well timed group shout during a free throw can impact the game, when there isn't much noise in the arena. The Hawk fans can try this in Carver this year, because the attendance should be about the same.

In Kinnick? No way.

But it would be awesome if somebody could do it during a field goal attempt.

You had tickets to Clippers games?!
You had tickets to Clippers games?!

Yep. Season Tickets... I know.

But, it was much cheaper and easier to see the stars of the NBA that way than to try to do it at the Forum, where the Lakers played.

Also, that place was like a high school arena. They didn't check you at the door. We actually brought in 20 pizzas for our section one game. It was actually an amazing environment to see an NBA game for its shear lack of security and ability to move around the arena.

BTW: My tickets were directly at mid-court in the second section, which would be club section at a real arena.
Soooooo it'll be just like UT is taking to their practice field......yeah that ought to be scary. While they are at it, they just shouldnt cheer the whole game. That would be really confusing and we all know confusing = scary. :confused:

What would be tough to combat is if the crowd was instructed by some sort of instructer (similar to a music instructor) and they basically get loud then quite for no reason at unpredictable times like during huddles and pre-snap. It would be almost like turning the lights on and off repeatadley or someone yelling in a golfers back swing. That would be tough to get used to.

Now that could actually be useful for the defense. If the place is going nuts, then as the QB is calling the play in the huddle (undoubtedly yelling to be heard over the crowd) the place goes dead quiet? The defense then hears the playcall (obviously they won't know immediately if it's a pass or a run, but for future reference during the game). And the crowd would have to mix it up, otherwise the QB would stop yelling the playcall in the huddle. You wouldn't get EVERY play by any means, but you could get some anyway.
Gonna be hard at best, but if they also have a blackout going, that could be a VERY intimidating place to play.

Good luck with that one TTech. If they're looking for a "shock" effect from the sudden change from loud to soft... it will likely affect both teams.

The only way a crowd can really impact...is to get major loud during the other team's offensive signals. THAT is unnerving, especially when the home defense is as intimidating as IOWA's.
A well timed group shout during a free throw can impact the game, when there isn't much noise in the arena. The Hawk fans can try this in Carver this year, because the attendance should be about the same.

I remember being in the Iowa Pep Band and during tournament games we would all chant "Brick Brick Brick" while the opposing team shot free throws...we did manage to get a few of what we were requesting. We also got some major dirty looks...I think we stopped fairly quickly. Christian Laettner hated us.
I remember being in the Iowa Pep Band and during tournament games we would all chant "Brick Brick Brick" while the opposing team shot free throws...we did manage to get a few of what we were requesting. We also got some major dirty looks...I think we stopped fairly quickly. Christian Laettner hated us.

The arena would be silent and we would yell things like, "Watch out!" or "Wait!" or "Mike!" (to Jordan), We would also yell person things, like to Walt Williams who used to wear those knee socks. "Hey Walt, do those socks come in a plastic egg?" He actually stopped his motion and started laughing and had to gather himself when he heard that.

The "Wait!" seemed to work the best.
Who in their right mind thinks this could ever work? It's not like the whole stadium is going to be Tech fans. I'd bet there will be about equal representation for Texas. This idea is beyond ridiculous.
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Good luck with that one TTech. If they're looking for a "shock" effect from the sudden change from loud to soft... it will likely affect both teams.

The only way a crowd can really impact...is to get major loud during the other team's offensive signals. THAT is unnerving, especially when the home defense is as intimidating as IOWA's.

No it wouldn't. They aren't talking about being silent all game or suddenly being silent (I HOPE). Aren't they talking about being silent when the Longhorns take the field? It happened once when I was playing HS ball and it was very unsettling. It was about 10-15 minutes before the home team took the field and we went through warmups, pep talks, and had started our position warmups with silence from about 95% of the stands. If they tried that, which is what has been talked about in Kinnick, it could REALLY be intimidating paired with a blackout during warmups. Once the game starts, though, this becomes a terrible idea.
Maybe Iowa fans could come up with something similar to "Rock Chalk Jayhawk"...slow and haunting, but coming from 70 thousand plus in Kinnick...maybe the "I-O-W-A" chant, but alternating sections on opposite sides of the field so it's going from one ear to the other for the players...slooow...and spoooky...

Edit: Just did it in my head a few times and "w" sounds goofy slowed down now matter how much I wanted it not to...back to the ol' drawing board...
Ive always had the idea of instead of booing the other team, give them the silent treatment when they come out of the tunnel. But during the game...no.
It wont work now...it would work if the team came running out expecting to hear boos and then it was just silent. Texas knows it is coming now, so they will be expecting it and it will just feel normal to them.

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