Telford DQ


Well-Known Member
It's intriguing that Telford was DQ'd from last weekend's tourney and nobody has any details. I would think info/rumors would be flying all over the internet. "Star Hawkeye recruit Disqualified for..."

Was he DQ'd from the tourney for one incident or in two consecutive matches for separate incidents? I hope it was a learning experience.
It can only be one incident. Once your DQ'd from a match your ejected from the entire tournament. It is strange that there's no info out there though. I got the chance to watch Telford quite a few times in High School and he never struck me as overly aggressive, chippy, or anthing that you might be able to attribute it to.
I asked this question of a VERY reliable source at the duals last night, and was told he questioned the ref as to what he wanted after he had given him multiple cautions in succession. I was told he received "several" cautions or technical violation calls one right after the other, and when he asked the ref what he was doing wrong, he got DQ'd. When you get DQ'd in a tournament, you are out of the tournament, so that is why his wrestleback was listed that way.

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