TCF stadium and the Vikings


Well-Known Member
So the Vikings are going to play their Monday night game at the Goofies TCF Stadium. Seems like a logical idea since it's a Big Ten stadium, it's in the area, and it's available. The one thing that has shocked be about this whole thing is this, from Yahoo "Those concession stands are going to have bigger issues than a lack of Budweiser. They weren't designed to withstand temperatures less than 30 degrees. Overnight lows on Monday are forecasted to be near zero, with a windchill of -15." How do you design a stadium that will be used into November and NOT design it to withstand temps below freezing? That's some fine planning work there University of Minnesota.
I heard about that too. They were worried about pipes freezing etc. Don't understand how they aren't already set up for that.
No heated field either. Remember watching the IA- Minn game and seeing chuncks of ice in the turf. Can you imagine what it is like now? They might as well play it in a parking lot. It would probably be easier on the players.
I wish the Vikings would play all their games outside, the way God meant football to be played.
I think the problem is that they already winterized the stadium, so it wont be able to get back up to speed in time for the game.
Wow, they really went all cheap-*** on that stadium ... not capable of performing below 30 degrees, what a ******* joke!
It's hard to blame the Vikings for this; I'm guessing that the pre-season list of things that might go wrong didn't include the roof of the Dump collapsing.

Then again, when it snows like that in Green Bay the Packers have to turn people away.
C'mon man... who would expect the Goooophers to play a game past Thanksgiving?

Iowa doesn't play games after Thanksgiving, not at Kinnick anyway. I know I'm being way too literal here, but if Kinnick had to have a game this weekend I'm guessing it would be quite the endeavor.
I think the problem is that they already winterized the stadium, so it wont be able to get back up to speed in time for the game.

That is part of the problem. The other part is that the place wasn't designed to be used when the temp is below 30.

I have a solution for the problem with not being able to serve beer. It's only supposed to get up to 16 on Monday so they should be able to just put the kegs outside a couple hours before the game, tap 'em, and just do it kegger style.
It's hard to blame the Vikings for this

Well, the Vikings deserve plenty of blame right now for trying to force the game into a stadium that simply wasn't designed for football in this weather.

I'm going to laugh my *** off if they go through all this effort to clear the snow at TCF Bank, and then the NFL decides that the game should be played elsewhere.

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