
They have one for calling attention to one's self, just seen it called against Ole Miss in the Cotten Bowl.
They have one for calling attention to one's self, just seen it called against Ole Miss in the Cotten Bowl.

I hate all the celebration that take place after good plays. This a team game. Go to the side line and high five each other. I also dislike cameras on the side lines that show players making an *ss of one self.
I actually thought the NCAA did away with all celebrations and I was surprised when no flags were thrown during the Florida game when after like two or three catches the players got up and gave a big first down sign.
They have one for calling attention to one's self, just seen it called against Ole Miss in the Cotten Bowl.

Saw and heard that call also. Never heard the referee state something like that. In the Outback Bowl, Auburn was flagged on two of their TD's for celebration penalties.
I don't understand why if an offensive player shows any emotion during or after a score its a likely penalty, but if a defender stands over the person he just tackled talking down at him its not a penalty. That seems way worse than excessive celebration.
The nonstop idiocy is what has driven me away from the NFL. It is really becoming a problem in college football as well. Maybe I am old, but I miss the days when players made plays and did not need to act like a fool because they made a routine tackle.

Watching the bowl games this year has really made me appreciate the way our coaching staff and team carry themselves.
Saw a defensive player on a team that was trailing in the game the other day make a tackle after a 5-7 yard gain get up and flex for the cameras. I like the old adage "Act like you been there before"

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