strong to texas


Well-Known Member
Does this change anything with Trevon young possibly? He won't be playing for the coach that recruited him to Louisville.
Thought it was a verbal. Not sure. Does it open up for players if a coach bails? Not sure of all the rules. Anyone?
per rivals he has signed a letter of intent. he's not going anywhere, unless the school wants to release him.

It looks like he's the only player to actually sign to Louisville as well. Not only is he not going to know any of the new coaches, but I expect a lot of the verbals to switch as well.

Risk you take in going to mid-tier conference over a big school.

I thought most schools grant the release in this situation?
You would think so. Why would they want to make a kid uncomfortable with his circumstances. Also a university shouldn't expect a kid to hold up to his commitment when the coach didn't. I thought I read here on university that iowa was his 2nd choice. I would think he may come back into play for us soon. This is situation where committing to a longer tenured coach like if KF pays off. Who knows what a new coach will think of any kid.
JC's had to sign LOI in December. There's no out due to coach leaving. He can file an appeal but that's doesn't mean U of L has to grant anything and if they did the prospect usually incurs some degree of penalty in eligibility if he is granted a release no matter what school he would eventually transfer to. There are add'l appeal channels that can be pursued even when turned down by the school but it takes time and there are still no guarantees that the appeal will be honored.

I don't think players that appeal due to a coaching change come out ahead very often. Of course, this all assumes that he even wants to make a change if Strong is Texas bound.
The signed LOI binds Young to the institution for one academic year not to a coach or team. He's going to Louisville. C. Strong is a defensive wizard - that's his strength. Playing for one of the best defensive coaches in college football likely was a major factor in his decision to attend Louisville. I'd imagine Young's not too happy, but he's stuck.