Strength of schedule / playoffs / attendance

I know the SEC and ACC get a lot of slack for only scheduling 8 conference games, but Florida, FSU, Ga, GT, Ken, Lou, Clem and South Carolina don't get enough credit for having to play a tough OOC P5 in-state rival every year that is the equivalent of a 9th conference game. Plus the ACC has to play Notre Dame once every 3 years.

In that article, it kept talking about how Florida has not had a high profile OOC home-and-home in forever, and I was thinking, what, they play Florida St every year.

On the other hand, SEC schools like Bama, Auburn, Miss, Miss St, LSU, Tenn that don't have an in-state P5 OOC to play every year, are pretty pathetic if they don't try to schedule 2 P5 schools OOC every year.
I thought maybe if playoff expanded to 8 teams then maybe teams would continue to back off the tougher scheduling, but I see the flip side in knowing a loss will be more easily forgiven potentially with an 8 team playoff. It got into fan interest and physical attendance also. Florida looking at potentially reducing seats to make better venue for those in attendance. I wonder how long Iowa / Iowa State hang out there without a series renewal contract after 2023.
You can say whatever you want about some of those SEC teams' schedules, they're still pretty good.